Sort multiple arrays


Hi, I have three arrays:


  • "Pair1"
  • "Pair2"
  • "Profit"

For example Pair1{EURUSD,GBPUSD}  / Pair2{AUDUSD,NZDUSD} / Profit{100,300}

These values are linked, so an output could be:

"Index 0: EURUSD-AUDUSD-100"

"Index 1: GBPUSD-NZDUSD-300".  

 Now I would sort a single array and then I would that other 2 arrays will remain linked to the sorted array.

So for example if I want to sort the third array "Profit" (desc) it will be {300,100}. Now pair1 and pair2 array should be {GBPUSD,EURUSD} and {NZDUSD,AUDUSD}. How can i do this in mql4?

Sorry for english, it's not my language. I hope it's enough clear.

Thanks for your help! 


2 ways

long buffers_index_copy[];
long buf_index_copy3[];

for(int i=0;i<symols_chek_counter;i++)
if(volumes[i]==0) continue;
for(int bs=0;bs<symols_chek_counter;bs++)





 Asort[ 40, 2]

 Asort[ i, 0]=values

 Asort[ i, 1]=index in start arrays

Thanks eevviill, can you insert some comments to explain what you did? I need to sort also string arrays so I can't use always ArraySort function
Then you'd have write a specific sort, Array or not to array (Mike Tanton) - MQL4 forum - Page 2 #4
Then you'd have write a specific sort, Array or not to array (Mike Tanton) - MQL4 forum - Page 2 #4

Thanks, do you mean to sort string arrays?

If someone could do an example in mql4 like I did with simple text in my post, I will really appreciate it

The insertion sort I posted sorts any native type, and with a defined operator<() or a predicate any type. You would know this had you bothered to read the link provided.
The insertion sort I posted sorts any native type, and with a defined operator<() or a predicate any type. You would know this had you bothered to read the link provided.

I read but I did not understand anything that's why I asked if it was possible a concrete example with the data that I put in the first post. In any case, thanks for the link.

You posted a mqh file with some functions that I don't understand, sorry. But I have to use "insertion_sort" function with which parameters?


If I have 5 string arrays and 5 double arrays, if I do this:


 I have an overload error.

Thanks eevviill, can you insert some comments to explain what you did? I need to sort also string arrays so I can't use always ArraySort function


void OnStart()
  double numbs[6][2];
  string names [6];
  numbs[0][1]=0;numbs[1][1]=1;numbs[2][1]=2;numbs[3][1]=3;numbs[4][1]=4;numbs[5][1]=5;//start indexies

int index;
  for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
  Alert("Value:"+string(numbs[i][0])+" Name:"+names[index]);


Will have start index. So you can use it for detect all you need. 

Or you can use Structures
sky90: I read but I did not understand anything that's why I asked if it was possible a concrete example with the data that I put in the first post.

I posted a link that showed you that "it was possible" and it has a "concrete example." All you had to do was read, understand, and adapt to your case.

Not compiled, not tested.

struct Data{
   string pair1;
   string pair2;
   double profit;
   void   Data(void){}                   // Allow array of Data
   void   Data(const Data& that) :       // Copy
      pair1(that.pair1), pair2(that.pair2), profit(that.profit){}
   void   operator=(const Data& that){   // Assignment
      pair1 = that.pair1; pair2 = that.pair2; profit = that.profit;
   bool operator<(const Data& that){ return this.pair1 < that.pair1; }   // Default ordering      (Option A)

class DataByProfit{ public:                                              // Non-default ordering  (Option B)
  bool is_before(const Data& lhs, const Data& rhs){ return lhs.profit < rhs.profit; }
Data data[]; ...; insertion_sort(data);                                  // sort by pair1.        (Option A)
DataByProfit obp; insertion_sort(data, 0 , ArraySize(data), obp);        // sort by profit.       (Option B)

Not compiled, not tested.

Was that so hard?