How to program pressing a button from the Line Studies (HL, VL, Trendline)? - page 2

nikolaygmt: What are the values for the other buttons (all shapes, all arrows, cursor and crosshair)? Are they documented somewhere?
What part of #define's for known commands that can be used for PostMessageA() (Arnd) - MQL4 forum was unclear?

I found them here:

Would be good to have them officially documented somewhere.

@WHRoeder, I am sorry, I replied too quickly. Your reference was very good. There is the file aswincmd.mqh containing the codes.

@WHRoeder :))))))))) it works!!! I feel so relieved that finally I can speed up lines creation :))) Thank you very much!

What are the values for the other buttons (all shapes, all arrows, cursor and crosshair)? Are they documented somewhere? Similar to MT4_WMCMD_HLINE 33244.

hello@WHRoeder  @nikolaygmt   hey    can u  please upload the  the final script  my friend? :))