How to handle off quotes

Hello comrades. How can I handle off quote errors in MQL4? What function to call? I do not know if the "IsTradeContextBusy()" function suitable to handle off quotes. Anybody please. Thank you in advance.

Off quotes is when your request is not met because price changes, not because of a "Busy Trade Context". I am assuming you are talking about "requotes" right?

If so, when the "OrderSend()" gives that error, I handle it by verifying that the original signal conditions are still met and then redo the "OrderSend()" with the new refreshed current price.

If the signal conditions are however, no longer valid, then I do not try it again and wait for the next signal condition.


Off quotes is when your request is not met because price changes, not because of a "Busy Trade Context". I am assuming you are talking about "requotes" right?

If so, when the "OrderSend()" gives that error, I handle it by verifying that the original signal conditions are still met and then redo the "OrderSend()" with the new refreshed current price.

If the signal conditions are however, no longer valid, then I do not try it again and wait for the next signal condition.

Thanks @FMIC. Graciers
Thanks @FMIC. Graciers

Graciers???? What language is that? Did you mean to write "Gracias"?

If so, I am Portuguese (not Spanish). In Portuguese it is "Obrigado" which means "Obliged".

The closest synonym we have in Portuguese for “Gracias” is “Agradecido” or "Agradeço" which is used in more formal settings.

PS! Just so there is no confusion, this post is taken in playful jest and is in no way critical.