CTimepicker class doesn not send any event notification..


I'm struggling hard with MQL coding.. for me it seems like things aren't that 'complete'. Might sound harsh, don't meant to be.
Learning for a couple of days to find out one disappointment after another...

For example, after trying ON_CLICK and ON_CHANGE events, i found out - the hard way.. grr - that the Timepicker class (found under include/controls) doesn't send any event notification and this makes it impossible to synchronize dates between the datepicker and the timepicker. 
The Datepicker however, does send a ON_CHANGE notification from the CDatePicker::OnChangeList function.

Also... why does the chart, in the background scroll when dragging / clicking elements inside a custom crafted panel? The panel should have focus and block background. Currently, I can rightclick in a 'seems to be empty' space on the panel and delete another indicators that is drawn behind the panel from the context menu that pops up... Very odd...

 The only time when the chart doesn't scroll all around like crazy is when you drag the title bar.


I'm struggling hard with MQL coding.. for me it seems like things aren't that 'complete'. Might sound harsh, don't meant to be.
Learning for a couple of days to find out one disappointment after another...

For example, after trying ON_CLICK and ON_CHANGE events, i found out - the hard way.. grr - that the Timepicker class (found under include/controls) doesn't send any event notification and this makes it impossible to synchronize dates between the datepicker and the timepicker. 
The Datepicker however, does send a ON_CHANGE notification from the CDatePicker::OnChangeList function.

Also... why does the chart, in the background scroll when dragging / clicking elements inside a custom crafted panel? The panel should have focus and block background. Currently, I can rightclick in a 'seems to be empty' space on the panel and delete another indicators that is drawn behind the panel from the context menu that pops up... Very odd...

 The only time when the chart doesn't scroll all around like crazy is when you drag the title bar. 

The first knowledge I learnt with the "new" MQL4 - avoid the MQL class packages if you can, it is not worth the headache. You cannot fix them yourself, as your changes get completely overwritten (restored) with every MT4 build release.