Help to use MathMod


Hello, all,

yhis would be the best in french, for me

can not use MathMod, could you show me an exemple

Here is my wrong code, seeking to use parity:


                int i=3; i ++; 

               double     MathMod (i,2)

                if ( MathMod (i,2) = 0) Continue;

                if ( MathMod (i,2) = 1)  ( Ticket  =  . . .  OP_BUY, . . . .  ;       Break ;

                  //next, over Ticket   .  .  . OP_SELL .  .  . ;


It is to try, to learn mt4, thank you,


Here is my wrong code, seeking to use parity:

  if ( MathMod (i,2) == 0) Continue;

  if ( MathMod (i,2) == 1)  ( Ticket  =  . . .  OP_BUY, . . . .  ;       Break ;

or use modulo operator for integer.

  if ( i%2 == 0) Continue;

  if ( i%2 == 1)  ( Ticket  =  . . .  OP_BUY, . . . .  ;       Break ;

or use modulo operator for integer.

Ok, very well, thank you,

I knew it, but I didn’t do


Ok, very well, thank you,

I knew it, but I didn’t do

That’s why I ‘m looking for exemples   and  twice equal  ==  to verify,   because  %  is double, and not bool !