MQL for Android


Is there anyway way of programming mql4 on android?? I have a c and c++ compiler on there but not sure the meta quotes app lets you program?  

Would it be possible to emulate on an android? 

 as far as i am concerned, you can not have a program running on Android, at least not on an easy way. You either have to reverse engineer the communication mechanism of Meta Trader running in Android (and deal with all possible legal issues thereafter) or maybe use a screen capture software etc. etc. (i know, for that last one please do not beat me, i am just saying)

EDIT program on android, not RUN program on android

while i am on the go i only bring my tablet with me, and i would like to continue to edit my program and be able to compile for error. When they are finished i put them to production on my pc at home, but at least programation is done on spear time

i think the question is: is there a way to compile MQL4 program with Android ?? to have mql4 program ready to send to a PC based MT4 instance once compiled

the answer may be similar , i am not aware of a MQL compiler in Android. In such a situation only a remote compiler could do it , but that requires of course an internet connection and a pc always running 

there are several RDC in the Play Store to do that

Yeh i can write up sudo code and build stuff in C so get some partially done. Just wont have the built in data types and funcs. Ahh well. Back to backtesting on my own system.