Where to insert this code in mq4 file ? to protect the code


where should i insert this cord to protect the indicator

please be specific


int start()
  string char[256]; int i;

  for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) char[i] = CharToStr(i);
  // Account number, on which expert is allowed to work
  int    AllowedAccountNo = StrToInteger(/* 49153 */ char[52]+char[57]+char[49]+char[53]+char[51]); 
  string AllowedServer    = /* UWC-Demo.com */       char[85]+char[87]+char[67]+char[45]+char[68]+

  if (AccountNumber() != AllowedAccountNo || AccountServer() != AllowedServer) 
    Print("You don't have permission to use this script!");
  Print("You can use this script!");

It's already written there. I mean... no offense... but how good can your very own Indicator be, if you don't even know howto deal with these 5 lines above ?

In your case I would focus on learning to code, write a proper Indicator, get some basic understanding in the things you do and later on focus on code protection.

And please don't hijack dozens of older threads for the same stuff. Because I keep reading the same requests from you over and over again within different threads.

A Hint: You don't need these char[] constructs because a compiled ex4 is already crypted in a way, that no existing decompiler can deal with it. With other words, you could even use readable strings inside the code for minimal protection.

AND... it's "code" and not "cord".