how to draw over last bar ....


hello ,help me whith this code_ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 1

#property indicator_color1 White

extern int year=2010;

extern int month=6;

extern int day=1;

extern int hour=0;

extern int minute=0;

extern double inf=18000;

extern double sup=21000;

extern double cyclelength=60;

extern double trend=0;

extern int Ncicli=2;

//---- buffers double Hurst[];


//| Custom indicator initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+

int init()


//---- indicators









//| Custom indicator deinitialization function |


int deinit()


//---- //---- return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator iteration function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { double a,w1,w2,w3,w4,cycle,x,grc,c,b,pi; int i,limit,phase; int flag; int counted_bars = IndicatorCounted(); if(counted_bars =0; i--) { if (day==TimeDay(Time[i]) && month==TimeMonth(Time[i]) && year==TimeYear(Time[i]) && hour==TimeHour(Time[i]) && minute==TimeMinute(Time[i])){ flag=1; } if( flag==0) { Hurst[i]=EMPTY_VALUE; } else { a=a+1; x=(360/cyclelength)*a; phase=-90; pi=3.1415926535; w1=MathSin(((8*x+phase)*pi)/180); w2=2*MathSin(((4*x+phase)*pi)/180); w3=3*MathSin(((2*x+phase)*pi)/180); w4=4*MathSin(((x+phase)*pi)/180); if (Ncicli==3) { w1=MathSin(((12*x+phase)*pi)/180); w2=2*MathSin(((6*x+phase)*pi)/180); w3=3*MathSin(((3*x+phase)*pi)/180); w4=4*MathSin(((x+phase)*pi)/180); } cycle=(w1+w2+w3+w4); grc=0.01029; c=(grc*trend*1); b=b+c; Hurst[i]=(cycle+b+10)*((sup-inf)/15)+inf; } } return(0); } //+-----------------------------+

i would continue to plot this curves over last bar to end window thanks andrea

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