Looking for good explanation of smoothing and weighting


Hello Forum, I've read countless articles on indicators, but am struggling to understand how smoothing or weighting works with respect to moving averages.

Before I try and code what I want, I would like to understand the maths.

Could anyone point me to a good article or description of smoothing etc?

I saw the following describing an example of the Wells Wilder Smoothing indicator:

 "The Welles Wilder's Smoothing indicator is similar to an exponential moving average. The indicator does not use the standard exponential moving average formula. Welles Wilder described 1/14 of today's value + 13/14 of yesterday's average as a 14-day exponential moving average"

which made sense, but was hoping to see some detail or a thorough explanation of what happens with certain types of moving averages. See examples of how they are calculated mathematically

Thanks in advance !