Trade nextbar

 Alert on next bar :  if (close[I-1] > open[I-1]) Alert ("next bar");
please is this correct based on 15 MTF. Thank you


there is no close or open in MQL and even it's your own declared array, no one here can see from here until your computer or your mind

second what's I

unless you post the relevant code no one here can understand if it's Alert for next bar or the next restaurant


there is no close or open in MQL and even it's your own declared array, no one here can see from here until your computer or your mind

second what's I

unless you post the relevant code no one here can understand if it's Alert for next bar or the next restaurant

close and open are constants passed to OnCalculate. So they are basically the same as Open and Close


 Alert on next bar :  if (close[I-1] > open[I-1]) Alert ("next bar");
please is this correct based on 15 MTF. Thank you


No, it is not correct.

It just finds if the close price is higher than the open (bullish).

You need to use the Time to find if you have a new bar and iTime if a different time-frame to the chart time-frame 

close and open are constants passed to OnCalculate. So they are basically the same as Open and Close

maybe, and maybe not,  [i admit] it's (just) a calculated guess, but you never know for sure 

for example: the OP can use datetime/double/int/whatever open[]; and store whatever he wants there, unless we can see the relevant code we can't assume nothing


maybe, and maybe not,  [i admit] it's (just) a calculated guess, but you never know for sure 

for example: the OP can use datetime/double/int/whatever open[]; and store whatever he wants there, unless we can see the relevant code we can't assume nothing

In OnCalculate at least open[] is a constant double and cannot be modified
but in EA/script ?
but in EA/script ?

As far as I know, you are free to use open[] or close[] for your own values anywhere except in an indicator in OnCalculate.


there is no close or open in MQL 

 I was responding to the above statement