More orders are opened than expected



Could you please help me why my orders are opened more than 0.1 on every hour as I would like to have actually ?  Plus, the codes do not open order on every hour sometimes. Why do you think this happens ?

Thank you.


#property copyright "Copyright 2015, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

double ema;   //exponential moving average
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int start()

double total;
   int cnt;
      // close opened orders first
      total = OrdersTotal();
      for (cnt = total-1; cnt >=0 ; cnt--)
               case OP_BUY       :

// checking OrderSend 

bool check;
check = checkMA();

if (check==true)
if (check==false)            


bool checkMA() 

ema =iMA("EURUSD",0,50,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1);           //exponential moving average

//checking the hour to open order on every hour

if ( (Hour()== 0 || Hour()== 1 || Hour()== 2 || Hour()== 3 || Hour()== 4                     
   || Hour()== 5 || Hour()== 6 || Hour()== 7 || Hour()== 8 || Hour()== 9
   || Hour()== 10 || Hour()== 11 || Hour()== 12 || Hour()== 13 || Hour()== 14
   || Hour()== 15 || Hour()== 16 || Hour()== 17 || Hour()== 18 || Hour()== 19
   || Hour()== 20 || Hour()== 21 || Hour()== 22 || Hour()== 23  ) && (Minute()==0) && (Seconds()==0) )
if ((Ask > ema))
OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,0.1,Ask,3,0,0,"otomatik al",PERIOD_H1,Blue);       //open buy order


int OpenTradesBuy()
   int icnt, itotal, retval;

   ema = iMA (NULL,0,50,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1); 
         if (Ask < ema - 200*Point)
         OrderSelect(icnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);

int start()
// checking OrderSend 

bool check;
check = checkMA();

if (check==true)
if (check==false)            
// All the above 6 lines can be replaced with simply return(checkMA()) 


Tidy your code up, it looks like a lot of cut and pastes

 start() returns an integer, so why are you returning either a bool or INIT_SUCCEEDED


if ( (Hour()== 0 || Hour()== 1 || Hour()== 2 || Hour()== 3 || Hour()== 4                     
   || Hour()== 5 || Hour()== 6 || Hour()== 7 || Hour()== 8 || Hour()== 9
   || Hour()== 10 || Hour()== 11 || Hour()== 12 || Hour()== 13 || Hour()== 14
   || Hour()== 15 || Hour()== 16 || Hour()== 17 || Hour()== 18 || Hour()== 19
   || Hour()== 20 || Hour()== 21 || Hour()== 22 || Hour()== 23  ) && (Minute()==0) && (Seconds()==0) )

 You've covered every possible Hour, so what's the point?

It is exactly the same as

if (Minute()==0) && Seconds()==0) )

That means that if there is not an incoming tick in the first second of the hour, the code will not be executed


Tidy your code up, it looks like a lot of cut and pastes

 start() returns an integer, so why are you returning either a bool or INIT_SUCCEEDED


What do you suggest me to do so if start() returns an integer ? 


 You've covered every possible Hour, so what's the point?

It is exactly the same as

That means that if there is not an incoming tick in the first second of the hour, the code will not be executed


My point is to open order on every hour. 

Is it possible to make the code executed in the first second of the hours even though there is no tick at that time ?



As there is little or no apparent logic to your code, it is difficult to offer any advice.

  static int static_hour=Hour();
     //New Hour so can check for a new trade condition

 will execute code only on the first tick of a new hour


As there is little or no apparent logic to your code, it is difficult to offer any advice.

 will execute code only on the first tick of a new hour


You have already replied my question. 

I appreciate it.