Toggle (Flush/Redraw) an indicator buffer with keystroke event


Hi guys, 

I am trying to figure out how to flush out, or 'reset' indicator buffers on a keystroke event.

Here is what I have so far


void OnChartEvent(const int id,         // Event identifier  
                  const long& lparam,   // Event parameter of long type
                  const double& dparam, // Event parameter of double type
                  const string& sparam) // Event parameter of string type
      if(id==CHARTEVENT_KEYDOWN) {
         //Inside Day Toggle
         if (lparam == 73) {
            if(detect_inside_candles) { 
               detect_inside_candles = false; //external bool
               //flush out buffers
               ArrayInitialize(Buffer0, 0);
               ArrayInitialize(Buffer1, 0);
            else if(!detect_inside_candles) { 
               detect_inside_candles = true; //external bool
         }// "i" key pressed


What happens is the first keystoke does clear the buffers and the indicator from the screen, but the second keystroke doesn't work.

Is it possible to clear the  prev_calculated variable inside OnCalculate()... it's set as a constant so I don't know how that would work.

Can anyone suggest any other approach here. 


Move your calculations for the buffers into a separate function with a parameter for the amount of bars to calculate

Call the function from OnCalculate (if detect_inside_candles is true)to calculate on new bars only

Call the function from your if in OnChartEvent to calculate on all bars 

I think I understand what you're saying.

I am using the histograms to mark a line down the middle of the inside candles. What I want to do is flush out the buffers and remove all markings from the chart  - which I have achieved.

But when the keystroke 'i' turns the switch back on again - I need the indicator to go back through the entire buffer again and re-do it.

What you're saying is to use a custom variable, instead of the prev_calculated to make the code run back through all candles again?


Basically, yes.

You may have something like

   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated
   //Code that loops through and fills buffers

 in OnCalculate

Instead, move your main code into a function

void MainCodeFunction(limit)
   //Code that loops through and fills buffers

 Then in OnCalculate

   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated

 You pass limit to the function


Then in your OnChartEvent

            else if(!detect_inside_candles) { 
               detect_inside_candles = true; //external bool

 You can pass Bars-1 or whatever is suitable to the function to redraw all the buffers you need


Thanks for your help. I've got it working, I did a crude work around so I didn't have to heavily modify the code.


I Set a global variable 

bool redraw_buffers = false;


Flag it to true when the chart needs updating. I also added the RefreshRates() function, hoping that it will call onCalculate

//Inside Day Toggle
         if (lparam == 73) {
            if(detect_inside_candles) { 
               detect_inside_candles = false;
               //flush out buffers
               ArrayInitialize(Buffer0, 0);
               ArrayInitialize(Buffer1, 0);
            else if(!detect_inside_candles) { 
               redraw_buffers = true;
               detect_inside_candles = true;               
               RefreshRates(); //try to get onCalculate to run on keystroke   
         }// "i" key pressed


Then before the indicator loop, I took some of your advice and reset the bar counter...

int OnCalculate( ....
int limit, i;
   int counted_bars = prev_calculated;
   if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);
   if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;
   if(counted_bars==0) counted_bars=1;
   if(redraw_buffers) {
      redraw_buffers = false;
   else { limit=rates_total-counted_bars; }
   for(i=limit-1; i>=0; i--) {   


Now it works as intended, however - the indicator will still need a new tick to refresh the chart.

I was hoping that refresh rates function would get onCalculate to run again.

Is there anyway to call onCalculate within the onEvent function...


         if (lparam == 73) {
            else if(!detect_inside_candles) { 
               redraw_buffers = true;
               detect_inside_candles = true;               
               RefreshRates(); //try to get onCalculate to run on keystroke   

               onCalculate() //how will pass all the parameters to get this to work?
         }// "i" key pressed


If I can get onCalculate to be called on the keystroke that would be great. A any solution without having to modify the code to heavily would be fantastic (y).

Thank you so much. 


With my suggestion, the buffers will be re-calculated without waiting for a tick.

Why would there be any need for heavy modification?

It's a simple matter to move your main code from OnCalculate into a new function, just cut and paste. 


Ok, help me understand the logic here. 

If I just renamed the onCalculate function to scanCandles()

Then I called scanCandles from within onCalculate and onChartEvent

Why can't I just call onCalculate from within onChartEvent? 


Ok, help me understand the logic here. 

If I just renamed the onCalculate function to scanCandles()

Then I called scanCandles from within onCalculate and onChartEvent

Why can't I just call onCalculate from within onChartEvent? 


Try it and see what happens.

I've never tried it 


It worked,

I had to make two dummy arrays to pass as the Tick_volume and Spread parameter as I don't know what global variables are normally passed to onCalculate internally.


Thanks very much for your help. 

#import "user32.dll"
   int   RegisterWindowMessageA(string lpstring);
   int   PostMessageA(int  hWnd,int  Msg,int  wParam,string lParam);

//--- replace with your functions

 PostMessageA (WindowHandle (_Symbol, _Period), 0x0111, 33324, 0);
 PostMessageA (WindowHandle (_Symbol, 0), RegisterWindowMessageA ("MetaTrader4_Internal_Message"), 2, 1);
Here you go.
dazamate:Is it possible to clear the  prev_calculated variable inside OnCalculate()...
  1. Right click → Refresh
  2. It's unnecessary; fix your broken indicator.