[Solved] Unable to debug some indicators - is this because of legacy code?



 With some indicators that I have code for, when hitting "Debug / Play" in the MetaEditor, the terminal will bring up the input parameter dialog, I hit Ok and then nothing shows up in the chart (where as drag-n-dropping in terminal shows something), and the window focus moves back to MetaEditor quickly.

 Is this because the indicator is using start() instead of OnStart(...)?

 I require a good debugging environment to code with, please help me to get it working.






 With some indicators that I have code for, when hitting "Debug / Play" in the MetaEditor, the terminal will bring up the input parameter dialog, I hit Ok and then nothing shows up in the chart (where as drag-n-dropping in terminal shows something), and the window focus moves back to MetaEditor quickly.

 Is this because the indicator is using start() instead of OnStart(...)?

 I require a good debugging environment to code with, please help me to get it working.




I am afraid the debugger only works for #property strict set.
I am afraid the debugger only works for #property strict set.
Don't be a afraid!   That's great news!  At least we KNOW that ...  thx for help