Installing MT4 breaks Explorer.exe in Windows 8.1


Had installed MT4 from FXCM download, but same thing happens when installing from MT4 download on this site.  Program appears to install normally, but as soon as

the install completes, if I go to "Default Programs" and click on "Associate a file type or protocol with a program", the window briefly opens and closes right

away, or stays up for a few seconds in a locked state (can't select anything) and closes.  There is an Windows Logs Application error in event viewer indicating

that Explorer.exe crashed.  MT4 appears to function normally, although I don't use any of the more advanced features like EAs, etc.  If I do a normal uninstall

of MT4, the problem still persists. Once a system restore is done, then the issue goes away and the Associate File Type or Protocol with a program functionality returns

to normal.  I have completely reloaded the OS from scratch, but as soon as I install MT4, it happens and I have to do a system restore, unless I want to lose the

Associate File Type or Protocol with a program functionality.   Apologize for the lack of details and I understand if no one can contribute much, but I don't have

time right now to gather the details and post them.  Just wondering if anyone would have possibly run across this before or anything similar.   Tested the same

functionality on an old Win 7 machine (although an older build of MT4) and the problem doesn't exist there.  Thanks for any comments - John 

  1. I have no problem with 8.1
  2. Why do you have to associate anything; the default is mq4/mq5 with the MetaEditor?
  3. Try using the control panel -> file types instead of explorer
  4. What file type are you associating?

Thanks for responding - it's not that I need to associate anything with MT4, but after having attempted to work with file associations one day for some other reason I discovered it wasn't

working.  The list of extensions/associated programs comes up briefly, the window is locked up and can't be interacted with, and then it disappears,  After troubleshooting and testing

I discovered the install of MT4 was what was causing the problem, and as I had mentioned, I completely re-imaged my machine with Windows 8.1, and after this the file association

functionality was working normally.  But as soon as I installed MT4, I tried to go into the file association list, and it crashed. I need Metatrader but if I need to do something with file

associations, I can't get to them.  This makes me wonder if other issues exist related to this and I just haven't come across them yet.  Assuming you have MT4 installed on an 8.1 machine,

can you go to Control Panel->Default Programs and click on "Associate a file type or protocol with a program" without it locking up and closing?


Thanks for responding - it's not that I need to associate anything with MT4, but after having attempted to work with file associations one day for some other reason I discovered it wasn't

working.  The list of extensions/associated programs comes up briefly, the window is locked up and can't be interacted with, and then it disappears,  After troubleshooting and testing

I discovered the install of MT4 was what was causing the problem, and as I had mentioned, I completely re-imaged my machine with Windows 8.1, and after this the file association

functionality was working normally.  But as soon as I installed MT4, I tried to go into the file association list, and it crashed. I need Metatrader but if I need to do something with file

associations, I can't get to them.  This makes me wonder if other issues exist related to this and I just haven't come across them yet.  Assuming you have MT4 installed on an 8.1 machine,

can you go to Control Panel->Default Programs and click on "Associate a file type or protocol with a program" without it locking up and closing?

Thanks for your comment, we'll check it
jmelancon1: can you go to Control Panel->Default Programs and click on "Associate a file type or protocol with a program" without it locking up and closing?

Got a brand new Win 8.1 64 bit laptop and installed MT4 on it.  Same issue -