Enumerated lists code chunks, by category (MQL4 and MQL5)


I posted this topic on MQL5.com forum, and I am linking to it here for those that do not normally go to the MQL5.com site.  It is a set of pre-coded enumerated lists code stubs with trading pairs already set up into various categories.  I wanted to post it to the code base, but I did not find a category that fit the idea really well, and I also think this will work with both MQL4 and MQL5, not just one or the other as the code base entry system tries to make you pick.

Hopefully this helps you out by giving you a starting point to work from.  Obviously, as these are just code stubs, you will probably need to tweak them some to fit within your particular program code.


This is the location currently.  Hopefully, if it does get moved, I will remember to come in here and change the link.  Any coding or modification suggestions should be made on the forum at MQL5, to keep them in one central location.

Thank you JD4
Thank you JD4
Welcome. :)