Adding a "SEPARATOR" to expert Properties list


How do I add something of a "separator" or "header" to visually separate different Input parameters in the Expert Properties of an EA? 



How do I add something of a "separator" or "header" to visually separate different Input parameters in the Expert Properties of an EA? 


Hi Verpa,

Use the following to add separators in the input section:

input string = "---Separator---";

Use as many as you need...and change the word "separator" to whatever your inputs are for that section...


input string = "---RSI Settings---";

Hope this helps,



On, nice! Great, that works :)) 

Just one note for all who will see the post in the future, it should be :

input string variable_name = "---RSI Settings---"; 

Thanks, cosmicbeing ;) 


On, nice! Great, that works :)) 

Just one note for all who will see the post in the future, it should be :

input string variable_name = "---RSI Settings---"; 

Thanks, cosmicbeing ;) 

Hi Verpa...

Glad that helped...and thanks for adding the variable name that I missed...

Have fun!

Isn't there a better way to do this? A way that looks a bit more formal.
Isn't there a better way to do this? A way that looks a bit more formal.

input group           "Group name #1"
input int             group1_var1 = ...
input double          group1_var2 = ...
input double          group1_var3 = ...
input group           "Group name #2
input int             group2_var1 = ...
input double          group2_var2 = ...
input double          group2_var3 = ...

Amir Yacoby:

input group           "Group name #1"
input int             group1_var1 = ...
input double          group1_var2 = ...
input double          group1_var3 = ...
input group           "Group name #2
input int             group2_var1 = ...
input double          group2_var2 = ...
input double          group2_var3 = ...

I don't believe that works with MQL4

I literally just wanted to post this, haha. Thanks guys :)

Here's the reference
if anyone is interested: (around the bottom of the page)
Documentation on MQL5: Language Basics / Variables / Input Variables
Documentation on MQL5: Language Basics / Variables / Input Variables
modifier is indicated before the data type. A variable with the input modifier can't be changed inside mql5-programs, such variables can be accessed for reading only. Values of input variables can be changed only by a user from the program properties window. External variables are always reinitialized immediately before the OnInit() is called...
I literally just wanted to post this, haha. Thanks guys :)

Here's the reference if anyone is interested: (around the bottom of the page)

That's MQL5 documentation, it doesn't all apply to MQL4.

  1. input group does not work in the current MT4.
  2. input string = "---Separator---";
    This is the equivalent. You can also create a completely blank line.
              How do I create a Comment Line in the Input Tab? - MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - MQL4 programming forum