can somebody help me with MT5 ?


Hi folks,

I am living in Japan and lately have been looking for a brokerage firm

that supports MT5 platform, but unfortunately there does not seem any. (FXCM, FOREX,MONEX etc)  neither of them provides MT5 service

 I would like to install my MT5 software from MetaQuotes website and use it with a username and password

through a proper, reliable brokerage firm.


I have questions;

1.if i go to, lets say FXCM and create a MT4 trading account,can i use it with my MT5 software?

2.I do not understand why firms would not support MT5,should i skip worrying about this issue and just register a normal account from a brokerage firm and start using it with my MT5,

if i do use, do you think MT5 platform would not accept this user account because it is not for MT5?


I still can not understand why these companies would not support a superb software such as MT5 ??

please let me know your comments and opinions and suggestions 


1. Not sorry. MT4 and MT5 are different softwares

2. MT5 can be used to open account in MQ, or with many other brokers - look at this article about "2.1. Find a Server by the Broker's Name." (for example - I counted 17 brokers ... but it may be more as I did not insert their servers inside my MT5 as it was suggested by this article for example.


Discussion about particular brokers are prohibited by rules sorry.