Highest High and Lowest Low for the Day


Hey guys,

 I am in need of assistance please. What I would like to do is every time price creates a new high or low for the day I want to be able to save the price and the time somehow (perhaps in the global scope) to use it as a reference point? Would anyone know how to do this? 


Hi Dean,

your algorithm should look like this for the highs:

  • store the current highest high (at beginning of day, high of first bar)
  • compare high of new candle with current highest high (https://docs.mql4.com/series/ihigh)
  • if it is higher, memorize price and datetime, store new value for current highest high
  • and so on until end of day

Hope this was of help. Have a nice Weekend!



iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 0);


iLow(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 0);


Store them to variables and compare the current to the stored to update / record what you want .





Store them to variables and compare the current to the stored to update / record what you want .

Thank you for your reply. I did some digging and got this:

int High=iHighest(Symbol(),Period(),MODE_HIGH,WindowFirstVisibleBar()-1,1); 

 And modified it to get the high price:

 double DailyHigh=High[iHighest(Symbol(),Period(),MODE_HIGH,WindowFirstVisibleBar()-1,1)];

 Then used this to store the time:

datetime DailyHighTime=Time[High]; 

 However, how do I compare the current high price and time to those and store them? 


 However, how do I compare the current high price and time to those and store them? 

I see your request was meant for daily charts, at first misunderstood you wanted to analyze smaller timeframes for every single day. Try this for comparation & update:

if (High[0]>DailyHigh)