function not defined


I am running this inside a for loop,

Strangely enough, it keeps giving me "function not defined error." I have defined lookback as an array

lookback[i,1]= iClose("USDCHF",PERIOD_M15,param-1-i);

I am running this inside a for loop,

Strangely enough, it keeps giving me "function not defined error." I have defined lookback as an array


lookback[i][1]= iClose("USDCHF",PERIOD_M15,param-1-i);

hey angevoyageur, thanks for the suggestion; unfortunately the problem still persists. I am defining lookback as

double lookback[200][4];
int i;
  lookback[i][1]= iClose("USDCHF",PERIOD_M15,param-1-i);
Post all the relevant information. What part of "empty controlled statement found" was not understood.
Post all the relevant information. What part of "empty controlled statement found" was not understood.
Please take off the semi colon, I have removed it. I inadvertently added that as I am used to coding in MATLAB. I am not sure what the source of error could be"iClose-function not defined"


it works just fine in my computer, so I guess the problem could be somewhere else inside your program  ; maybe provide some more code? I mean, a problem somewhere else, a forgotten semicolon for example, could land as a compiler error anywhere in your program