mt4 ver 4.00 build 830 BIG ISSUE


Good Afternoon at all.

With the recent build 830 after that mt4 loses connection it is not able to connect again automatically. In order to reconnect I must close and open the platform manually.

In this case I can't trade and most at all i can't use trailing stop.

So I have the necessity to use the previous version mt4 build 765  !!! I have installed it on a pc of mine but it is very old and I can't let it power on for too many hours otherwise I think that it may broken.


Is possible to supply me the build 765 OR to get from my old pc where mt4 build 765 is INSTALLED the installer ??


Thank you  


PS I have tried the new build 830 on 4 PC and in every one I get the same issue (3 pc have windows 7 pro 64 bit...1 pc windows 8) 

Contact your broker.
Contact your broker.

I have just contact it and it is not able to solve it, depends on MT4.

I also downloaded the mt4 no brand version and I got exactly the same problems. 


I have just contact it and it is not able to solve it, depends on MT4.

I also downloaded the mt4 no brand version and I got exactly the same problems. 

Then you have to contact the ServiceDesk.