MT4 Chart settings not saving


Hi all.

I have been using MT4 for just over a week now.

I set up my charts to load as I want them (ie. Background colour, Candlesticks, periodicity, etc.), drew the various analysis lines necessary for my trading method, and had all the markets I require open with tabs at the bottom to quickly cycle through each chart.

Now, one week on, all my chart settings have disappeared, as have the tabs and all my analysis lines.

When I open a second chart, there is no tab option available. In other words, I can only have one chart open at a time.

If I change the chart to candlesticks, it opens as the default chart again if I close and re-open.

Also, any analysis lines I draw disappear after closing and re-opening the chart.

I haven't (to my knowledge), changed anything to make this suddenly happen. I have no idea how to sort it out.

I have a template of my chart layout saved, and this does work, but it just reverts to the default settings after closing and re-opening.

Please help!! If anyone knows how to fix this, I would be so grateful.

I'm using MT4 on a Windows 8.1 PC.




This is now fixed..........

In trying to sort this out myself, I found that I had the 'Charts Bar' turned off (File Menu>>> View >>> Charts Bar).

My original 'tabbed' charts with all their lines, etc. are all in tact!

I hope this may be useful to anyone else who has the same issue.
