Multiple MT4 instances on one VPS?


I am new to MT4 (but not trading). I just signed up with 3 different brokers for FOREX trading, all of whouse MT4.


I am hoping someone can help me with these rudimentary questions:


  1. Can I run three different broker accounts using three instances of MT4 all from the same VPS? Or should I get 3 separate VPS and install one MT4 on each?
  2. Do I have to download MT4 from each broker site? Or can I just download from and enter broker account info?
  3. What is the recommended VPS specs (RAM, CPU, HD) to run MT4 smoothly, assuming I will be scalping with dozens of orders every few minutes? 
  4. What is the best recommended VPS provider? (My brokers are,,


Any input much appreciated! 

  1. Why not
  2. You should. Each broker download initializes broker specific data.
  3. Anything that runs
  4. Do your own research.

Thanks for the feedback.

1.  I was concerned that running multiple MT4s on one PC might lead to them interfering with each other somehow. Been testing multiple instances now for a few hours and I don't see any issues so far. 

2. Thanks. That is helpful. I will download MT4 from each broker

3. Obviously. But the question was about *recommended specs*, given my intended trading frequency. Question still stands for any experienced traders who are willing to chime in. 

4. Yes, I am already doing my own research to search for VPS services. But it certainly doesn't hurt to ask experienced traders for their best recommendations, so I don't waste time and money with sub par services. So the question still stands, should anyone wish to suggest the best VPS services


Are you using the same VPS for all your accounts?

Those questions are self explanatory.

As many XEON chips as you can get.

As many RAM as you can get.

As large a SSD storage raid as you can get.

1gbs or more optic fiber link.

And of course non hardware related things like location, type etc... for example LD4, DMA etc.

Best provider would be the one with the least downtime and the fastest connection to your broker, but i would personally never use any of those you mention.

Notice that a VPS does not necessarily have to be related to trading, others can amaze you, they amazed me.

There are so many elements, and if you miss out on even one tiny element, it can turn onto disaster.

Create your own checklist.