Help with MTF high low


Hi everybody,

I have tried to code the mtf indicator to display levels as short lines. But the problem i'm facing now is that i have a numerous of extra levels at the previous daily, weekly and monthly level that showed up and i don't know why. I would be grateful, if i could get some help to understand 


//|                                                MTF_HI_LOW_v1.mq4 |
//|                      Copyright © 2006, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                               |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2006, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property link      " modified by cja "
//|                                                 AllPivots_v1.mq4 |
//|                                  Copyright © 2006, |
//|                         Written by IgorAD, |   
//|   |                                      
#property copyright "Copyright © 2006, "
#property link      ""

#property indicator_chart_window

extern int  CountDays=10;
extern bool Show_LABELS = true; 

extern bool Show_CurrDaily = true;
extern int Shift_CurrDaily_LABEL = 0;
extern bool Show_CurrWeekly = true;
extern int Shift_CurrWeekly_LABEL = 0;
extern bool Show_CurrMonthly = true;
extern int Shift_CurrMonthly_LABEL = 0;
extern color line_color_CurrDailyUPPER = Lime;
extern color line_color_CurrDailyLOWER = Magenta;
extern color line_color_CurrWeeklyUPPER = YellowGreen;
extern color line_color_CurrWeeklyLOWER = Pink;
extern color line_color_CurrMonthlyUPPER = Green;
extern color line_color_CurrMonthyLOWER = Red;
extern int CurrDaily_LineStyle = 2;
extern int CurrWeekly_LineStyle = 3;
extern int CurrMonthly_LineStyle = 4;

extern bool Show_PreviousDaily = true;
extern bool Xtend_Prev_DailyLine = false;
extern bool Show_PreviousWeekly = true;
extern bool Xtend_Prev_WeeklyLine = false;
extern bool Show_PreviousMonthly = true;
extern bool Xtend_Prev_MonthlyLine = false;
extern color line_color_PreviousDaily = Aqua;
extern color line_color_PreviousWeekly = Yellow;
extern color line_color_PreviousMonthly = Orange;
extern int PreviousLine_Style = 2;
extern int Shift_Prev_LABEL = 10;

extern bool Show_CurrRectangles_Display = false;
extern bool Show_Rectangles = true;
extern bool Rectangle_Curr_DayPeriod_only = false;
extern bool Show_Daily_Rectangle = true;
extern color Daily_Rectangle_color = Navy;
extern bool Show_Weekly_Rectangle = true;
extern color Weekly_Rectangle_color = Blue;
extern bool Show_Monthly_Rectangle = true;
extern color Monthly_Rectangle_color = Maroon;

extern bool Show_Daily_Pivots = false;
extern int Daily_Pivot_color = Aqua;
extern int Daily_Pivot_LineWidth = 1;  
extern bool Show_Weekly_Pivots = false;
extern int Weekly_Pivot_color = Yellow;
extern int Weekly_Pivot_LineWidth = 1; 
extern bool Show_Monthly_Pivots = false;
extern int Monthly_Pivot_color = Orange;
extern int Monthly_Pivot_LineWidth = 1;
extern int ShiftPivot_LABELS = 10; 

#define Curr_DG "Curr_DG"

#define Curr_WG "Curr_WG"

#define Curr_MG "Curr_MG"

   datetime time1;
   datetime time2;
   datetime time3;
   datetime time4;
   datetime time5;
   datetime time6;
   datetime time7;
   datetime time8;
   datetime time9;
   datetime time10;
   datetime time11;
   datetime time12;
   datetime time13;
   datetime time14;
   datetime time15;
   datetime time16;
   datetime time17;
   datetime time18;
   double DHi,DLo,WHi,WLo,MHi,MLo;
   double DHigh,DLow,WHigh,WLow,MHigh,MLow;
   double highD,lowD,closeD,highW,lowW,closeW,highM,lowM,closeM;
   double PD,PW,PM;
   int shift, num;
   void ObjDel()
      for (;num<=CountDays;num++)

   void PlotLineD(string dname,double value,double line_color_Daily,double style)
   ObjectSet(dname, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
   ObjectSet(dname, OBJPROP_STYLE, PreviousLine_Style);
   ObjectSet(dname, OBJPROP_RAY, false);
   ObjectSet(dname, OBJPROP_BACK, true);
   ObjectSet(dname, OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_Daily);
     void PlotLineW(string wname,double value,double line_color_Weekly,double style)
   ObjectSet(wname, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
   ObjectSet(wname, OBJPROP_STYLE, PreviousLine_Style);
   ObjectSet(wname, OBJPROP_RAY, false);
   ObjectSet(wname, OBJPROP_BACK, true);
   ObjectSet(wname, OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_Weekly);
       void PlotLineM(string mname,double value,double line_color_Monthly,double style)
   ObjectSet(mname, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
   ObjectSet(mname, OBJPROP_STYLE, PreviousLine_Style);
   ObjectSet(mname, OBJPROP_RAY, false);
   ObjectSet(mname, OBJPROP_BACK, true);
   ObjectSet(mname, OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_Monthly);
   // CurrDaily levels 
         void PlotLineDLY(string dayname,double value,double col,double style)
   ObjectSet(dayname, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
   ObjectSet(dayname, OBJPROP_STYLE, CurrDaily_LineStyle );
   ObjectSet(dayname, OBJPROP_RAY, false);
   ObjectSet(dayname, OBJPROP_BACK, true);
   ObjectSet(dayname, OBJPROP_COLOR, col);
           void PlotLineWLY(string weekname,double value,double col,double style)
   ObjectSet(weekname, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
   ObjectSet(weekname, OBJPROP_STYLE, CurrWeekly_LineStyle );
   ObjectSet(weekname, OBJPROP_RAY, false);
   ObjectSet(weekname, OBJPROP_BACK, true);
   ObjectSet(weekname, OBJPROP_COLOR, col);
            void PlotLineMLY(string monthname,double value,double col,double style)
   ObjectSet(monthname, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
   ObjectSet(monthname, OBJPROP_STYLE, CurrMonthly_LineStyle );
   ObjectSet(monthname, OBJPROP_RAY, false);
   ObjectSet(monthname, OBJPROP_BACK, true);
   ObjectSet(monthname, OBJPROP_COLOR, col);
              void PlotLinePVT(string pname,double value,double col,double style)
   ObjectSet(pname, OBJPROP_WIDTH, Daily_Pivot_LineWidth);
   ObjectSet(pname, OBJPROP_STYLE, 0 );
   ObjectSet(pname, OBJPROP_RAY, false);
   ObjectSet(pname, OBJPROP_BACK, true);
   ObjectSet(pname, OBJPROP_COLOR, col);
                  void PlotLinePVTW(string wpname,double value,double col,double style)
   ObjectSet(wpname, OBJPROP_WIDTH, Weekly_Pivot_LineWidth);
   ObjectSet(wpname, OBJPROP_STYLE, 0 );
   ObjectSet(wpname, OBJPROP_RAY, false);
   ObjectSet(wpname, OBJPROP_BACK, true);
   ObjectSet(wpname, OBJPROP_COLOR, col);
                 void PlotLinePVTM(string mpname,double value,double col,double style)
   ObjectSet(mpname, OBJPROP_WIDTH, Monthly_Pivot_LineWidth);
   ObjectSet(mpname, OBJPROP_STYLE, 0 );
   ObjectSet(mpname, OBJPROP_RAY, false);
   ObjectSet(mpname, OBJPROP_BACK, true);
   ObjectSet(mpname, OBJPROP_COLOR, col);
int init()
int deinit()

int start()

void Create_DailyLineHI(string dLine, double start, double end,double w, double s,color clr)
   ObjectCreate(dLine, OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, iTime(NULL,1440,0), start, Time[0], end);
   ObjectSet(dLine, OBJPROP_COLOR, clr);

   void DeleteCreate_DailyLineHI()
   ObjectDelete( Curr_DG);ObjectDelete( Curr_WG);ObjectDelete( Curr_MG);  
   void CreateDHI()

void Create_DailyLineWHI(string WLine, double start, double end,double w, double s,color clr)
   ObjectCreate(WLine, OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, iTime(NULL,10080,0), start, Time[0], end);
   ObjectSet(WLine, OBJPROP_COLOR, clr);

   void DeleteCreate_DailyLineWHI()
   ObjectDelete( Curr_WG); 
   void CreateWHI()

void Create_DailyLineMHI(string MLine, double start, double end,double w, double s,color clr)
   ObjectCreate(MLine, OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, iTime(NULL,43200,0), start, Time[0], end);
   ObjectSet(MLine, OBJPROP_COLOR, clr);

   void DeleteCreate_DailyLineMHI()
   ObjectDelete( Curr_MG); 
   void CreateMHI()
   double Dailyhigh = iHigh(NULL,1440,0);
   double Dailylow = iLow(NULL,1440,0);
   double Weeklyhigh = iHigh(NULL,10080,0);
   double Weeklylow = iLow(NULL,10080,0);
   double Monthlyhigh = iHigh(NULL,43200,0);
   double Monthlylow = iLow(NULL,43200,0);
   if (  Rectangle_Curr_DayPeriod_only == false )
   if (Show_CurrRectangles_Display == true )
   if (Show_Daily_Rectangle == true )
   Create_DailyLineHI( Curr_DG, Dailyhigh , Dailylow ,2,2,Daily_Rectangle_color);
    if (Show_Weekly_Rectangle == true )
   Create_DailyLineWHI( Curr_WG, Weeklyhigh , Weeklylow ,2,2,Weekly_Rectangle_color);
    if (Show_Monthly_Rectangle == true )
   Create_DailyLineMHI( Curr_MG, Monthlyhigh , Monthlylow ,2,2,Monthly_Rectangle_color);
    if ( Rectangle_Curr_DayPeriod_only == true )
   if (Show_CurrRectangles_Display == true )
   if (Show_Daily_Rectangle == true )
   Create_DailyLineHI( Curr_DG, Dailyhigh , Dailylow ,2,2,Daily_Rectangle_color);
    if (Show_Weekly_Rectangle == true )
   Create_DailyLineHI( Curr_WG, Weeklyhigh , Weeklylow ,2,2,Weekly_Rectangle_color);
    if (Show_Monthly_Rectangle == true )
   Create_DailyLineHI( Curr_MG, Monthlyhigh , Monthlylow ,2,2,Monthly_Rectangle_color);
  int i;
  for (shift=CountDays-1;shift>=0;shift--)
  //CurrDaily levels
  if (i<0) 
  if (i<0)
  if (i<0)
  if (i<0)
  //CurrDaily levels
  if (i<0) 
  if (i<0)
  if (i<0)
  highD  = iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,shift+1);
  lowD   = iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,shift+1);
  closeD = iClose(NULL,PERIOD_D1,shift+1);
  highW  = iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_W1,shift+1);
  lowW   = iLow(NULL,PERIOD_W1,shift+1);
  closeW = iClose(NULL,PERIOD_W1,shift+1);
  highM  = iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_MN1,shift+1);
  lowM   = iLow(NULL,PERIOD_MN1,shift+1);
  closeM = iClose(NULL,PERIOD_MN1,shift+1);
  PD  = (highD+lowD+closeD)/3.0;
  PW  = (highW+lowW+closeW)/3.0;
  PM  = (highM+lowM+closeM)/3.0;

  DHi  = iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,shift+1);
  DLo   = iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,shift+1);
  WHi  = iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_W1,shift+1);
  WLo   = iLow(NULL,PERIOD_W1,shift+1);
  MHi  = iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_MN1,shift+1);
  MLo   = iLow(NULL,PERIOD_MN1,shift+1);
  //CurrDaily levels
  DHigh  = iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0);
  DLow   = iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0);
  WHigh  = iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_W1,0);
  WLow   = iLow(NULL,PERIOD_W1,0);
  MHigh  = iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_MN1,0);
  MLow   = iLow(NULL,PERIOD_MN1,0);
  // CurrDaily levels

   if (Show_PreviousDaily == true)
   if (Show_PreviousWeekly == true)
   if (Show_PreviousMonthly == true)
 //CurrDaily levels
  if (Show_CurrDaily == true)
  PlotLineDLY("CurrentDailyHi["+num+"]",DHigh,line_color_CurrDailyUPPER ,0);
   if (Show_CurrWeekly == true)
   if (Show_CurrMonthly == true)
  PlotLineMLY("CurrentMonthlyHi["+num+"]",MHigh,line_color_CurrMonthlyUPPER ,0);
  if (Show_Daily_Pivots == true)
  if (Show_Weekly_Pivots == true)
  if (Show_Monthly_Pivots == true)
  PlotLinePVTM("CurrentMonthlyPivot["+num+"]",PM,Monthly_Pivot_color ,0);
  if (Show_LABELS == true)
  if(ObjectFind("HILO") != 0){
  ObjectCreate("HILO", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[Shift_CurrDaily_LABEL+0], DHigh);
  ObjectSetText("HILO", "DH ", 8, "Arial", line_color_CurrDailyUPPER);
  }else{  ObjectMove("HILO", 0, Time[Shift_CurrDaily_LABEL+0], DHigh);}
  if(ObjectFind("HILO1") != 0){
  ObjectCreate("HILO1", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[Shift_CurrDaily_LABEL+10], DLow);
  ObjectSetText("HILO1", "DL ", 8, "Arial", line_color_CurrDailyLOWER);
  }else{  ObjectMove("HILO1", 0, Time[Shift_CurrDaily_LABEL], DLow);}
   if(ObjectFind("HILO2") != 0){
  ObjectCreate("HILO2", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[Shift_CurrWeekly_LABEL+10], WHigh);
  ObjectSetText("HILO2", "WH", 8, "Arial", line_color_CurrWeeklyUPPER);
  }else{  ObjectMove("HILO2", 0, Time[Shift_CurrWeekly_LABEL], WHigh);}
  if(ObjectFind("HILO3") != 0){
  ObjectCreate("HILO3", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[Shift_CurrWeekly_LABEL+10], WLow);
  ObjectSetText("HILO3", "WL", 8, "Arial", line_color_CurrWeeklyLOWER);
  }else{  ObjectMove("HILO3", 0, Time[Shift_CurrWeekly_LABEL], WLow);}
   if(ObjectFind("HILO4") != 0){
  ObjectCreate("HILO4", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[Shift_CurrMonthly_LABEL+10], MHigh);
  ObjectSetText("HILO4", "MthH ", 8, "Arial", line_color_CurrMonthlyUPPER);
  }else{  ObjectMove("HILO4", 0, Time[Shift_CurrMonthly_LABEL], MHigh);}
   if(ObjectFind("HILO5") != 0){
  ObjectCreate("HILO5", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[Shift_CurrMonthly_LABEL+10], MLow);
  ObjectSetText("HILO5", " MthL ", 8, "Arial", line_color_CurrMonthyLOWER);
  }else{  ObjectMove("HILO5", 0, Time[Shift_CurrMonthly_LABEL], MLow);}
   //Previous Levels
   if(ObjectFind("HILOP") != 0){
  ObjectCreate("HILOP", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[Shift_Prev_LABEL+10], DHi);
  ObjectSetText("HILOP", "PvDH ", 8, "Arial", line_color_PreviousDaily);
  }else{  ObjectMove("HILOP", 0, Time[Shift_Prev_LABEL+0], DHi);}
  if(ObjectFind("HILO1P") != 0){
  ObjectCreate("HILO1P", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[Shift_Prev_LABEL+10], DLo);
  ObjectSetText("HILO1P", "PvDL ", 8, "Arial", line_color_PreviousDaily);
  }else{  ObjectMove("HILO1P", 0, Time[Shift_Prev_LABEL+0], DLo);}
   if(ObjectFind("HILO2P") != 0){
  ObjectCreate("HILO2P", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[Shift_Prev_LABEL+10], WHi);
  ObjectSetText("HILO2P", "PvWH ", 8, "Arial", line_color_PreviousWeekly);
  }else{  ObjectMove("HILO2P", 0, Time[Shift_Prev_LABEL+0], WHi);}
  if(ObjectFind("HILO3P") != 0){
  ObjectCreate("HILO3P", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[Shift_Prev_LABEL+10], WLo);
  ObjectSetText("HILO3P", "PvWL ", 8, "Arial", line_color_PreviousWeekly);
  }else{  ObjectMove("HILO3P", 0, Time[Shift_Prev_LABEL+0], WLo);}
   if(ObjectFind("HILO4P") != 0){
  ObjectCreate("HILO4P", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[Shift_Prev_LABEL+10], MHi);
  ObjectSetText("HILO4P", "PvMH ", 8, "Arial", line_color_PreviousMonthly);
  }else{  ObjectMove("HILO4P", 0, Time[Shift_Prev_LABEL+0], MHi);}
   if(ObjectFind("HILO5P") != 0){
  ObjectCreate("HILO5P", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[Shift_Prev_LABEL+10], MLo);
  ObjectSetText("HILO5P", "PvML", 8, "Arial", line_color_PreviousMonthly);
  }else{  ObjectMove("HILO5P", 0, Time[Shift_Prev_LABEL+0], MLo);}
    if (Show_Daily_Pivots == true)
     if(ObjectFind("PIVOTD") != 0){
  ObjectCreate("PIVOTD", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[ShiftPivot_LABELS+0], PD);
  ObjectSetText("PIVOTD", "DP ", 8, "Arial", Daily_Pivot_color);
  }else{  ObjectMove("PIVOTD", 0, Time[ShiftPivot_LABELS+0], PD);}    
   if (Show_Weekly_Pivots == true)
     if(ObjectFind("PIVOTW") != 0){
  ObjectCreate("PIVOTW", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[ShiftPivot_LABELS+0], PW);
  ObjectSetText("PIVOTW", "WP", 8, "Arial", Weekly_Pivot_color);
  }else{  ObjectMove("PIVOTW", 0, Time[ShiftPivot_LABELS+0], PW);}
  if (Show_Monthly_Pivots == true)
       if(ObjectFind("PIVOTM") != 0){
  ObjectCreate("PIVOTM", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[ShiftPivot_LABELS+0], PM);
  ObjectSetText("PIVOTM", "MP", 8, "Arial", Monthly_Pivot_color);
  }else{  ObjectMove("PIVOTM", 0, Time[ShiftPivot_LABELS+0], PM);}  
Thanks WHRoeder
I'm sorry, i don't understand how the return error has an effect on the drawing of the previous levels. I read the links you sent me and i can't figure out how to connect it to my problem.
jokergbck: I'm sorry, i don't understand how the return error has an effect on the drawing of the previous levels. I read the links you sent me and i can't figure out how to connect it to my problem.
What part of "and you would know why" was unclear? You don't understand the problem because you don't see any reason for an error.