Assigning Bid and Ask to an array


Hi guys,


I'm having trouble assigning Bid or Ask price into an array. When I try to assign it to my array nothing happens, when debugging it just simply stops without any Err. ??

float  _Ask[];
float  _Bid[];

      for(i=0; i>=0;i--)

      {  _Ask[i]=Ask;

You don't size the arrays

Your for loop is rather strange as it will only ever run 1 pass, when i==0 


You don't size the arrays

Your for loop is rather strange as it will only ever run 1 pass, when i==0 

  I'm just using this loop while trying to assign Bid and Ask into my array, so it is not part of any program. I'll try to size the array and see how it goes. 


  int size=10;
  double  _Open[];
  double  _Close[];

      for(int i=0; i<size;i++)
      {  _Open[i]=Open[i];
just as an example