Can someone please help with PrintFormat, StringFormat



I just don't get the explanation or the example in the documentation. 

If I have 

string txt= "Profit="+DoubleToStr(prof,2); 

for when profit=10 and 1000, output will be



but if I want it to output the DoubleTo Str with always a minimum of 8 characters

Profit=    10.00

Profit= 1000.00  

How do I do it.

Many thanks 

GumRai but if I want it to output minimum of 8 charactersProfit=    10.00How do I do it.\
Change it to do what you want
string   RJust(string s, int size, string fill=" "){
   for(int n=size-StringLen(s); n > 0; n--)  s = fill+s;    return(s);        }
string   LJust(string s, int size, string fill=" "){
   for(int n=size-StringLen(s); n > 0; n--)  s = s+fill;    return(s);        }

string txt= "Profit="+RJust( DoubleToStr(prof,2), 8); 
or use StringFormat
   double d=54.21;
   PrintFormat("Profit='%8.2f'", d); // "Profit='   54.21'"
//                                               876

Thank you William.