How to temporarily stop an automatic trader - page 4

towmtdj: WHRoeder , you missed some messages ....
Anyway ,  F7 on the program doesn't give  me any access to "externalvariable" settings ....  I just see tabs for setting position types(long, short & both),
  1. towmtdj: When I talk about stopping a program, I mean really stopping it  , not hanging it until trading becomes allowed.
    I did? I showed you how to stop it. Look again.

  2. If you define a input variable in the EA then F7/properties has an input tab

You were talking about the smile, that should have disappeared if I had done the changes suggested by deysmacro . But after doing them, I didn't post any screenshots...where did you see that "smile" ?

towmtdj: WHRoeder , you missed some messages ....
Anyway ,  F7 on the program doesn't give  me any access to "externalvariable" settings ....  I just see tabs for setting position types(long, short & both),
  1. towmtdj: When I talk about stopping a program, I mean really stopping it  , not hanging it until trading becomes allowed.
    I did? I showed you how to stop it. Look again.

  2. If you define a input variable in the EA then F7/properties has an input tab

Ok I did it.

I am testing the input value in the program , and if true, the program goes on with computation, if false , it skips them.

Is it this you were talking about ? 


Ok I did it.

I am testing the input value in the program , and if true, the program goes on with computation, if false , it skips them.

Is it this you were talking about ? 


This is getting exasperating.

There is NO NEED to delete the EA in the navigator window

You have been told 3 times at least what to do. Right click on the chart, expert advisors - remove. WHRoeder even showed an animation of how to do it, yet you still don't do it.

In the images that you posted the smiley face is still there, this means that you HAVE NOT removed the EA from the chart 


If you want to work on the source code without losing the original code

Simply open the EA in the editor

File/Save as

and save it with a new name xxxx v2 or whatever. You can then work on the code with the new name 


This is getting exasperating.

There is NO NEED to delete the EA in the navigator window

You have been told 3 times at least what to do. Right click on the chart, expert advisors - remove. WHRoeder even showed an animation of how to do it, yet you still don't do it.

In the images that you posted the smiley face is still there, this means that you HAVE NOT removed the EA from the chart 

You are the one who 's not getting it , not me.I explained thousands of times that I already know how to delete a program from expert advisors .... is it clear now ?

I said another thousand of times that even by deleting the program , it keeps running ... did you understand this ? I guess not. If you did , you weren't attacking me like this.

I asked fot hints about how to STOP a program, , but all you guys told me is how to freeze it, not how to stop it.

Even by using the input variable, which you can set from outside the program, you need a running program to read the change its value... no need to be a genius to understand this.... so this is absolutely not stopping the program.

 Still talking about the smile  ? the program is not removed because I still get the smile ? well tell me, apart from deleting it from the expert advisors , are there other ways to delete it from expert advisors  ???  so why don't I see the program anymore between the expert Advisors ?

Why don't you take the time to make some thousands of test like I did , and try to understand what's really happening before coming to arbitrary conclusions  ?

I'm not here to bother people and waste my time  just out of fun ... If I am stating something, it means that something is happening.


Ok lets' forget once and for all about stopping the program , since it's quite clear now that there is absolutely no way of doing it.

Just talk about freezing and restarting it by setting the input variable . 

The mechanism works, in the sense that I am testing both the input variable and the autotrading flag in the program, which executes

its operations only if both are true. Whenever I set even one of them to false, the program skips the operations and waits for the next

timer tick (once again, this doesn't mean it is stopped, I am stating it for the ones who still have doubts ...).

If I remove the program from expert advisors nothing happens, the program keeps running as if nothing. 

By this time, I have to suppose this is considered normal.

What does it mean when the smiley on top right of the chart goes from  :) to :( , which happens whenever I reset one of the two flags

I use to control my program from outside (that is, the input variable and the autotrading flag ) ? 

GumRai says when the smiley goes from :) to :( it means the program has been removed (if you re-read its post, I guess it's what he/she says).

Ok, I want to believe this . This means basically that I can remove/add the program from the program itself ??????

whenever I reset one of my flags , the smiley changes.... well , it must be that way .... right ? Remove /add the program without the expert advisors' list

even realizing it ..... 


If you want to work on the source code without losing the original code

Simply open the EA in the editor

File/Save as

and save it with a new name xxxx v2 or whatever. You can then work on the code with the new name 

Thanks for the kind answer . 

But once again ,if you try to re-read carefully what I wrote ,  I already knew this .... even my 8 years old nephew would have found the solution on its own .

I was simply asking if there is a way to delete the program from the expert advisors without removing it from disk ....

No need to answer this time , please.... let's avoid further misunderstanding.... 


You are the one who 's not getting it , not me.I explained thousands of times that I already know how to delete a program from expert advisors .... is it clear now ?

I said another thousand of times that even by deleting the program , it keeps running ... did you understand this ? I guess not. If you did , you weren't attacking me like this.

I asked fot hints about how to STOP a program, , but all you guys told me is how to freeze it, not how to stop it.

Even by using the input variable, which you can set from outside the program, you need a running program to read the change its value... no need to be a genius to understand this.... so this is absolutely not stopping the program.

 Still talking about the smile  ? the program is not removed because I still get the smile ? well tell me, apart from deleting it from the expert advisors , are there other ways to delete it from expert advisors  ???  so why don't I see the program anymore between the expert Advisors ?

Why don't you take the time to make some thousands of test like I did , and try to understand what's really happening before coming to arbitrary conclusions  ?

I'm not here to bother people and waste my time  just out of fun ... If I am stating something, it means that something is happening.

I did not come to arbitrary conclusions.

In your earlier posts you were trying to stop the EA by deleting the EA. I told you that there is no need to delete the EA. The EA has been loaded onto the chart so it will continue to run despite the EA being deleted.

You have been told many times to remove the EA from the chart by right clicking on the chart, Expert Advisors  - remove. 

Why haven't you done it? 

I don't need to run thousands of tests because it is such a simple operation that I do many times a day. 


I did not come to arbitrary conclusions.

In your earlier posts you were trying to stop the EA by deleting the EA. I told you that there is no need to delete the EA. The EA has been loaded onto the chart so it will continue to run despite the EA being deleted.

You have been told many times to remove the EA from the chart by right clicking on the chart, Expert Advisors  - remove. 

Why haven't you done it? 

I don't need to run thousands of tests because it is such a simple operation that I do many times a day. 

"Why haven't you done it ?" : do you take care in reading the posts you answer ? I have done it , and explained it , many times, but you didn't realize....

well you talked about exasperation .... I am the one exasperated .... it seems there's no way to make you understand  , whatever I explain you keep repeating the same

words without thinking back ....

It's clear that this is the wrong place to ask questions.

Good bye