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From what is written in this article you can't withdraw. You have to write to ServiceDesk, asking if there is a solution, and please let us know their reply.
Secondly, as I see you are not a programmer, I suppose you don't want to sell in the Market the work of someone else.
Yes I am not yet a programmer, but why not selling something for which I have payed for, with functionalities that I personally have thought of.
You are trying to say something like, If I have a software company and I pay a freelancer to do something based on the specification given by my company, that I would not be able then to sell the product just because the programmer has translated the text specification into a computer code and has been paid for the job?
Any senior programmer could do that when you pay them for the worked hours on the specification which is given to them. That doesn`t mean their are the authors/owners/inventors of the software.
The ownership and all followed on rights must be granted to the Employer who has given money and requests a specific job to be completed written in the specification.
More over I have asked the programmer and he has agreed that this product would be sold on behalf of my company name. (Something called OEM, Partnership.. etc...)
Yes I am not yet a programmer, but why not selling something for which I have payed for, with functionalities that I personally have thought of.
You are trying to say something like, If I have a software company and I pay a freelancer to do something based on the specification given by my company, that I would not be able then to sell the product just because the programmer has translated the text specification into a computer code and has been paid for the job?
Any senior programmer could do that when you pay them for the worked hours on the specification which is given to them.
The ownership and all followed on rights must be granted to the Employer who has given money and requests a specific job to be completed written in the specification.
More over I have asked the programmer and he has agreed that this product would be sold on behalf of my company name. (Something called OEM, Partnership.. etc...)
By the way in my opinion it would be very useful to have this as a feature:
When someone posts a product for sale in the market and is not a programmer, why not have a functionality in which when filling the form
there is a field "Programmed by" with options "Me" or to write the username of the person who has written the code, and a field afterwards
which is for the royalty due to be paid to the programmer on each sale which is made on the Market.
The ammount of royalty given to the programmer would vary depending on their personal agreement and would be either % based or fixed amount of credits.
Then the Programmer receives a notification asking if he agrees to these conditions and if he agrees, the program appears on the Marketplace!
That way everyone would be happy. The mql5 community would grow expodentially. Lots of products would appear in a short amount of time in the Market.
That will attract lots of new community members.
The thing is that programmers don't have the time to trade. Busy programmers don't have the time to make their own products for the Market.
When they don't have the time to trade or don't trade at all they are unable to make a product which would fit the specific needs of some everyday traders,
because in order to make such product you have to understand their pain and you cannot understand their pain if you don't trade seriouslly.
And Even if they make a product, they usually don't have the time to write proper attractive description and make a marketing campaign in order to attract buyers.
In my opinion People who are traders and need a product to be done for their specific needs, that would probably mean that other traders would have their same needs.
Now why not the trader earn some credits of a product which was made for him and why shouldn't the programmer receive a passive income for each sale.
That way if the programmer has made lots of programs for someone else, eventually one day he could stop and have a rest and continue to receive income,
and if a product is successful, the programmer would be interested in maintaining the product and bringing new functionalities to it.
I think this feature would bring mutual benefit for everyone!!!
This would also give a chance to programmers who don't have enough customers (have lots of free time) and community members who don't have credits, but have great ideas
for new products to make a partnership (trader-idea & programmer = and share the profit 50/50 or whatever they agree on)
which would eventually bring lots of new members to the mql5 community and increase the Cashflow of the Marketplace.
By the way in my opinion it would be very useful to have this as a feature:
When someone posts a product for sale in the market and is not a programmer, why not have a functionality in which when filling the form
there is a field "Programmed by" with options "Me" or to write the username of the person who has written the code, and a field afterwards
which is for the royalty due to be paid to the programmer on each sale which is made on the Market.
The ammount of royalty given to the programmer would vary depending on their personal agreement and would be either % based or fixed amount of credits.
Then the Programmer receives a notification asking if he agrees to these conditions and if he agrees, the program appears on the Marketplace!
That way everyone would be happy. The mql5 community would grow expodentially. Lots of products would appear in a short amount of time in the Market.
That will attract lots of new community members.
...There is nothing personal in my statement above, but as a programmer, who has also ideas, I feel very concerned by the fact there is no way to see/check/control what someone sell in the Market.
Your answer is very comprehensive and show good practices about that. Also your suggestion to improve the collaboration between seller/trader/programmer is very good in my opinion. I wonder also if there is a way to prevent someone to create a product from free code published in the Codebase. I am happy to share some code for free, but I do not want that these code to be sold in the Market. Maybe it's unrealistic.
There is nothing personal in my statement above, but as a programmer, who has also ideas, I feel very concerned by the fact there is no way to see/check/control what someone sell in the Market.
Your answer is very comprehensive and show good practices about that. Also your suggestion to improve the collaboration between seller/trader/programmer is very good in my opinion. I wonder also if there is a way to prevent someone to create a product from free code published in the Codebase. I am happy to share some code for free, but I do not want that these code to be sold in the Market. Maybe it's unrealistic.
Well actually it is not that unrealistic. In my university here in Bulgaria there is a software which checks your homework and says which parts of your homework are taken from where (on the net, or from other students), and the thing is that it even isn't required to be in digital format. They also have an OCR which extracts the text from paper to digital, and knowing that all OCRs aren`t 100% correct that comes to say that the university software might be more advanced than I think it is.
Apart from universities, large corporations which are interested in partnerships with other companies or simply want to buy them or their product make their due dilligance by having even more advanced software which searches the entire code of the software with code that is not only the exact same but also with code that has same meaning or gives the same result on the entire web, basicly everywhere where there are open source stuff samples, even if they are not open for the public.
And to implement such solution here would be much more easier in my opinion. Now regarding your concern I think it could be solved in two directions:
But First of all there has to be a license along with the code. One way is to write the license by yourself. The other is to copy/paste a license from the internet.
But in my opinion the best thing would be if MQL5.com write several license templates cases (and later use them as automatic sorting procedures)
specific for metatrader programs covering all possible cases from which a programmer to choose from.
Just throwing fast away few would be:
"1. Free for personal and commercial use."
"2. Free for personal but needs agreement from programmer for commercial use."
"3. Free for educational use only."
"4. Requires agreement from programmer for personal and/or commercial use."
in the Last case if anyone no matter how finds your code, when compiling the code via MQL Editor it will send the code for check and if it links this code to yours and if on your code is written "4. Requires agreement from programmer for personal and/or commercial use." template then it would automatically connect you both parties so that you can resolve the issue and have mutual benefit. Until then that user won't be able to compile the code.
I don't see why someone using a programmers code woudn't want to have straight and fair relationship with the person who has created thus having clean concious.
Besides that the inventor of the code will be the perfect maintainer for the further development of the specific feature.
Which comes to say that if someone wishes to protect his code he first has to choose a License template and then upload it in a specific metaquotes approval section.
In this section the code will be compared with previous codes in the database depending on their License Templates.
If there is code identical to an already uploaded before code and it is in fight with its License template, then it will return the code back to him saying which exact lines need to be changed since they are prodected by license template XXX of user XXX.
But lets go back and cover the two scenarious:
1. Jobs done in the Market.
That is easy. When negotiating the terms and conditions the programmer would agree or not depending on negotiations that the Employer would further use the software as he wishesh to (full rights)
If not the programmer has to choose a License template, and/or negotiate the royalties which he shall recieve in the event that the product is to be put on the market.
When delivering the final product it again goes a check in the specific metaquotes approval section.
2. Free code published in the Codebase.
If the publisher first uploads the code in the specific metaquotes approval section with the desired template and then publishes it on the net. The moment someone tries to compile the same code or part of it in the editor, this same code is sent to the specific metaquotes approval section for approval. If it passess it would be stored that he is the author of the code.
If it doesn't pass it first of all it woudn't allow the compiler to compile the code and let it be used, but secondly and most importantly it would connect both parties so that they can resolve the issue in a mutual benefit way.
Which comes to say that if someone opens the Metaquotes editor it would automatically ask the person to log in with his mql5 user & pass or if he doesn't have, to create his profile from there. This way it will be easier for someone to become an author and for parties to connect and also the community itself would also expand very fast!
Thats what I have thought so far in "prima vista".
If I find some free time I would polish the idea much better, but I think you got the point. Will be happy if these comments inspire MQL5 team to add these same or similar feautres!
Well actually it is not that unrealistic. In my university here in Bulgaria there is a software which checks your homework and says which parts of your homework are taken from where (on the net, or from other students), and the thing is that it even isn't required to be in digital format. They also have an OCR which extracts the text from paper to digital, and knowing that all OCRs anen`t 100% correct that comes to say that the university software might be more advanced than I think it is.
Apart from universities, large corporations which are interested in partnerships with other companies or simply want to buy them or their product make their due dilligance by having even more advanced software which searches the entire code of the software with code that is not only the exact same but also with code that has same meaning or gives the same result on the entire web, basicly everywhere where there are open source stuff samples, even if they are not open for the public.
Well actually it is not that unrealistic. In my university here in Bulgaria there is a software which checks your homework and says which parts of your homework are taken from where (on the net, or from other students), and the thing is that it even isn't required to be in digital format. They also have an OCR which extracts the text from paper to digital, and knowing that all OCRs aren`t 100% correct that comes to say that the university software might be more advanced than I think it is.
What does any of this have to do with how to contact the Service Desk ?
Right. New topic created.

Looks you guys have the ability to move comments. Was it easy using Moderator_Tools?

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