Please help me : Error in code



  I try to adapt and customize a code and I still have three errors Quye I can not seem to correct, the block of code in question :


//|add char at beginning or end of text                              |


string addStr(string str, string char, int maxlength, bool atbeginning = true)


   int l = maxlength - StringLen(str);

   for (int i=0; i<l; i++)


      if (atbeginning) str = char + str;

      else str = str + char;






 and the errors detected :


'char' - unexpected token

'+' - unexpected token

';' - unexpected token






char is the type in MQL so its a keyword and cannot be used as the name of a parameter. Try something different like character. 


So your code becomes:


string addStr(string str, string character, int maxlength, bool atbeginning = true)


   int l = maxlength - StringLen(str);

   for (int i=0; i<l; i++)


      if (atbeginning) str = character + str;

      else str = str + character;






Please use the SRC button when you post code. Thank you.

This time, I edited it for you.



Wonderful, That's great, thank you a thousand , I guard the lesson for my next encoding tests


Sorry angevoyageur, the next time I 'll do it.