History Data Import to Another Program



 I have an idea to visualise the data which MT4 imports to create the charts.

 Firstly, how would I import the data real time into another program - how do I tap into the Forex data feed ?

 What is the data type that is sent out that MT4 reads and converts into charts ?

Failing all of that, could I take the data from the history function that MT4 downloads and import that into another program ?

Thanks for any help, I have no idea about the questions above so any help would be most grateful.


You don't need to (and can't) get MT4's feed. You get the bars, and do what you want with that. Search offline charts.

Are you saying that for realtime data - I can only get access to the display that MT4 produces and that's it ?  If I want access to the data I need to download it from the History ? 


Does anyone know if I can get access to the realtime forex data ?

If not, what format is the history data in ?
