using NotePad++ to edit and compile - page 3

Carl Schreiber:

Let me add that you can get a function list of your own functions quite easily:

1) (in Win7) load C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\functionList.xml

2) add this:  <association userDefinedLangName="mql4" id="mql4_sytax"/>


3) add this in the next section:

(I just copied them from c further below and there is as well one for c++ - may be valid for mql5.)

I f you now click on the Function List button (or in menu => View => Function List) you see a window with the list of all your functions of the actual mql4 or mqh file.

A click on a function and you are there!

Here the example of Statistics.mqh:

You can sort the functions alphabetically :)

Thank you for posting this! I copied the parser for c++ and it now you can view functions by class with mql. 


                                id         ="mql_syntax" displayName="MQL Class" commentExpr="(?s:/\*.*?\*/)|(?m-s://.*?$)">
                                        mainExpr    ="^[\t\x20]*(class|struct)[\t\x20]+\w+\s*(final)?\s*(:\s*(public|protected|private)\s+\w+\s*)?\{"
                                        openSymbole ="\{"
                                                <nameExpr expr="(class|struct)[\t\x20]+\w+" />
                                                <nameExpr expr="[\t\x20]+\w+" />
                                                <nameExpr expr="\w+" />
                                                        <funcNameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for|switch))[\w~]+\s*\(" />
                                                        <funcNameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for|switch))[\w~]+" />
                                                <nameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for))\w+\s*\(" />
                                                <nameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for))\w+" />
                                                <nameExpr expr="\w+(?=\s*::)" />

I also forgot to mention, in response to version control and diff view, there are some really cool free tools that I much prefer over the built in MQL5 storage and version control. The first, allows free private repositories and overall I like it better than github. Next, you're going to need git. The command line is always good, but I've recent fallen in love with the git GUI - SourceTree. Here you can access everything at a quick glance.


You can integrate external diff viewers to work with sourcetree to manage merge conflict and view file diff. I personally like DiffMerge.


Emma Schwatson:

Thank you for posting this! I copied the parser for c++ and it now you can view functions by class with mql. 


                                id         ="mql_syntax" displayName="MQL Class" commentExpr="(?s:/\*.*?\*/)|(?m-s://.*?$)">
                                        mainExpr    ="^[\t\x20]*(class|struct)[\t\x20]+\w+\s*(final)?\s*(:\s*(public|protected|private)\s+\w+\s*)?\{"
                                        openSymbole ="\{"
                                                <nameExpr expr="(class|struct)[\t\x20]+\w+" />
                                                <nameExpr expr="[\t\x20]+\w+" />
                                                <nameExpr expr="\w+" />
                                                        <funcNameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for|switch))[\w~]+\s*\(" />
                                                        <funcNameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for|switch))[\w~]+" />
                                                <nameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for))\w+\s*\(" />
                                                <nameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for))\w+" />
                                                <nameExpr expr="\w+(?=\s*::)" />

I am completely uneducated in RE, so it takes me ages to adopt the parser. I am missing a match for constructors, both simple and with the ":" extension. If any one knows how to fix the parser for them, I would appreciate it.

I am also missing the inner classes in the tree, while their functions get assigned to the outer class (like the picture below), however I do not hope the parser can be configured to manage them.

Ex Ovo Omnia:

I am completely uneducated in RE, so it takes me ages to adopt the parser. I am missing a match for constructors, both simple and with the ":" extension. If any one knows how to fix the parser for them, I would appreciate it.

I am also missing the inner classes in the tree, while their functions get assigned to the outer class (like the picture below), however I do not hope the parser can be configured to manage them.

Have you tried the vscode editor instead?
Emma Schwatson:
Have you tried the vscode editor instead?

No, and I do not plan. Is there some really good reason I should?

Ex Ovo Omnia:

No, and I do not plan. Is there some really good reason I should?

Yes. notepad++ is obsolete. I wrote some vscode extensions that not only highlight mql syntax but use the c++ intellisence with MQL so you can do everything you'd expect from an IDE like peek definitions, etc. I'd say give it a try... install vscode, click the extensions tab, search "mql", and install the "MQL Extension pack". 

This is to share something similar to this article

Hello friends

how can copy text to clipboard in mql5?

I tried most of the answers but unfortunately did not get any results.

Milad Yarzamn:

Hello friends

how can copy text to clipboard in mql5?

I tried most of the answers but unfortunately did not get any results.

Why are you asking in the mql4 section?