Is WebRequest function work on Localhost?


i test the WebRequest() function on some public domains,such as works very well.


but when i use it on LocalHost domians,it doesn't work anymore.


i did add localhost domain in the EA tab of option menn. 


doesn't work,any other solutions?


thanks for your reply 

deysmacro: Try
or edit \windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and add localhost
xuzhe: doesn't work,any other solutions?
Do you have a web server running on localhost? If you enter localhost into your browser do you get a page?
xuzhe: doesn't work,any other solutions?
Do you have a web server running on localhost? If you enter localhost into your browser do you get a page?
If there is no page at all, that would be completely different story.
xuzhe: it doesn't work anymore.
"Doesn't work" is meaningless - just like saying the car doesn't work. Doesn't start, won't go in gear, no electrical, missing the key, flat tires - meaningless. There are no mind readers here.
deysmacro: that would be completely different story.
No information given, only guesses ventured. How is "no page at all" different from "doesn't work"?

but when i use it on LocalHost domians,it doesn't work anymore.

I can't see a problem using localhost. The following works fine for me:

   char arrPost[], arrResult[];
   string strResponseHeaders;
   int res = WebRequest("GET", "http://localhost/test.htm", NULL, NULL, 10000, arrPost, 0, arrResult, strResponseHeaders);
   Print("Result: ", res, ", error: " , GetLastError());
deysmacro: Try
or edit \windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and add localhost
xuzhe: doesn't work,any other solutions?
Do you have a web server running on localhost? If you enter localhost into your browser do you get a page?

Of course i have a web server running,and the browser can get the page on localhost fine.


i got the page,but metatrader runtime failed.


should i use port 80? 


I know the answer now.


Only Port 80 and 433 is allowed.


i think the document should mentioned this.