Error 130 modifying order on ECN broker


I'm trying to modify an order, but I'm getting error 130. I already checked for STOP LEVEL and it is 0 (I'm using Alpari). This is my code:


int digits= MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS);
if(digits == 2|| digits == 3) pipdigits = 0.01;
else if(digits==4 || digits==5) pipdigits=0.0001;

selltakeprofit = Ask + (takeprofit*pipdigits);
sellstoploss = Ask - (stoploss*pipdigits);

ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,lotsize,Ask,100, 0,0,0,0,0,CLR_NONE);
       Print("venda Order send failed with error #",GetLastError());
       Print("stop loss = ", sellstoploss);


       Print("Order send sucesso!!");
       Print("Balancde = ", AccountBalance());
       Print("Equity = ", AccountEquity());   
       bool res;           
       res = OrderModify(ticket, 0, sellstoploss, selltakeprofit, 0);

       if(res == false)
             Print("Error modifying order!, error#", GetLastError());
             Print("sellstoploss ", sellstoploss);
             Print("selltakeprofit ", selltakeprofit);
             Print("StopLevel ", StopLevel);
            Print("Ask ", Ask); 
             Print("Order modified successfully");



selltakeprofit = Ask + (takeprofit*pipdigits);
sellstoploss = Ask - (stoploss*pipdigits);

 Take profit for a sell must be below the order open price

Vice versa for Stoploss 

  1. Don't paste code
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  2. and what GumRai said