Risk - Not factoring in Denominated Account? - page 3


I doubt that the brokers will be incorrect with things like that as you might be able to sue them. 

Well, I'm telling you, and GumRai is telling you, that brokers have definitely been running platforms with incorrect tick-values.

From the symbol names in your post, I think I know which broker you are using. Cyprus-registered German firm, yes? Their platform is now fine, but in 2012 it definitely reported incorrect tick-values on all CFDs - and so did almost all other CFD implementations from all brokers at the time. They are the people I had the conference call with as mentioned above. 


ok, is there (still?) a broker with wrong tickvalues?

My dummy-indi should show that and I'd like what will be shown.


ok, is there (still?) a broker with wrong tickvalues?

Yes - whichever broker GumRai is using.

There also the broker I have mentioned before where the Dax tick-value is currently wrong - on a new account type they have introduced - because of what looks like a simple data entry error rather than a problem with deposit currencies. Their Dax tick-value implies a move of EUR 2.50 per point (whereas the tick-values on the DJIA, NQ, FTSE, CAC40, IBEX etc are all correct).