Question on storing a value


If I use the statement of :    if X = High  then Y = 1; each time X = High, Y will be 1.  Therefore, when X != High, Y = 0.  Which is fine.  But, in some cases, I need Y to remain as 1 to show that a high has been reached.  Tried a number of approaches, without any luck.  Each time X != High, Y = 0.   Can someone point me in the right direction as to how I can solve this?


If I have a complicated if-then structure I use EXCEL (LO) to display all options and my wanted results..
I'm trying to capture a state, ( On or Off ) rather than the value ( 1 or 0 ).

ok, ON = 1 and Off = 0, where is the problem?

In mt4 true = 1 and false = 0.

Yellowbeard: Therefore, when X != High, Y = 0.  Which is fine.  But, in some cases, I need Y to remain as 1 to show that a high has been reached. 
  1. You must come up with a concrete description before you can code it. "Fine" but sometimes not can't be coded.
    show that a high has been reached
    A high is always reached until it is exceeded.
  2. Don't use 0 and 1 when you mean true and false. Use meaning full variable names. You should be able to read the code out loud and it be good English
    bool isXhigh = (X == High); // True if X == High, false if X != High
    if(isXhigh) ... // "Is X high" is meaningful.
    if(y == 0)  ... // is not.
  3. Use real variables and real syntax - there are no mind readers here. "if X = High" is bogus, A) Can't assign high to X inside an if (did you mean if X == High?), B) High is an array, can't use an array by itself.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.  I assumed that X = High was understood to mean X==High.  Fine, is a human term, which is short for " I am fine with the result ".   Your code "  bool isXhigh = (X == High); // True if X == High, false if X != High " will produce the same problem.  Once X != High, X will equal 0.  I don't have a lot of faith in using True and False conditions.  I have had times when the state was completely ignored.  Such as the start of a new period with the statement:  if new bar == false.   Was completely ignored until I changed it to:  if new bar != true.  Strange.  I need to capture the "1".  For example:  if Open == High then X =1.  I need to store the 1 so that I know that a new high has occurred.  Perhaps I'll have to use file write and read statements, in a loop, so that, as a new high is reached, the EA will read the file to see if a "1"  is already stored.
Yellowbeard:  I don't have a lot of faith in using True and False conditions.
Then you must not "have a lot of faith" that Print(2+2) will output 4