Serious Bug in 7.11 - page 2

sub: Is there way how to suppress aromatic updating.
How can you know it smells unless you DL it?

no one  can tell us why ?

what has  happened  after updated ?

When did you get the update and what broker?

I'm getting different problem, since update. won't test at all now. at first is wasn't printing. Now it won't even run the test, just a quick whistle and that's it. Any links to solutions would be appreciated.



this monday when i open the terminate  ,it was updated.  broke is  Alpari

just now i saw someone said build 713 is available ,maybe   the problem will be solved .

sorry ,  it is  build  719

It is actually and officially build 735 available today.

It fixed all my problems and it seems to use lass memory and CPU.


It is actually and officially build 735 available today.

It fixed all my problems and it seems to use lass memory and CPU.

MetaQuotes seems more interested in pushing their 'value' added (ticket clipping) services

eg from build 735 update announcement "A virtual server for a trading account can now be rented right from the client terminal."