Tester: Cannot load Experts\

Won't test experts anymore as of today 9-25-14

Tester: Cannot load Experts\
Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\OANDA - MetaTrader\MQL4\Experts\Daily Rat.ex4' [2]

Any EA I try that were previously working are not able to load now.

Please advise
Agent86: Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\OANDA - MetaTrader\MQL4\Experts\Daily Rat.ex4' [2]
Where is the file supposed to be? Data Structure in MetaTrader 4 Build 600 and Higher - MQL4 Articles
I don't seem to have any User_account_name////Metaquotes or any similar folder

I don't understand this text either:

If none of the above conditions is satisfied, the terminal data is stored in the installation directory.

Then, the user files are moved to the data folder. At this stage, the directory where the terminal's user data has been stored is determined. If the data has been stored in the terminal installation folder, they are copied the following way:

If the data is found, it is copied according to the above table.

The files are copied and not moved during the migration. The copied files are not deleted from the source folders.

My installation did seem to copy files from the source aka /experts to the destination /MQL4/Experts without any such Congratulations message
However, it did not copy them into any User_account_name folder but still in the Program Files(x86) /Metatrader folder

The link provided (Open Data Folder) takes me to the Installation folder aka /Metatrader showing all the Metatrader folders /experts, /includes etc. And a similar duplicated MQL4 folder which now also has /Experts, Includes etc.

My understanding from the document was that it should have copied and created folders to the User_account_name folder and given me the Congratulations message

Do I manually copy over the folders now ? And do I have to point Metatrader to the new path now ?

Forgive my ignorance but I don't get it.

Then the bottom notes say this to further confuse me:
MetaTrader 4 terminal's data is transferred to the user directory automatically. No additional actions are required from users in most cases. Information about all data copying operations is displayed in MetaTrader 4 journal.
I'll do an uninstall and folder deletion, then a fresh install and try that.

I've been using a version over build 600 for a while and all was working fine up until 9-25-14

It happened to me that EAs and Indicators are compiled even though I did not click on the compile-button in the editor!

if the source code has changed or is not compatible any more by what ever reason (the . in variable names) the ex4 file either does not exist any more or cannot be loaded.

Compiling each EA in the editor again solved it

Strange it was already above build 600 and already previously working too.

Oh well all working now thanks