Multiple comment lines?


How can I stack up multiple comments lines?

At the moment they all just overlap when they're updated, but I want 3 separate comment lines in the top left hand corner working simultaneously?

                D1_Bar = iTime(NULL, high, 1);
                Comment("Daily Bias is: "+D1_Bias+" since: "+TimeToStr(D1_Bar,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES));
    if(D1_Bias=="Daily is Down" && H4_Bias=="None") 
                 H4_Bar = iTime(NULL, middle, 1);
                 Comment("4 Hour Bias is: "+H4_Bias+" since: "+TimeToStr(H4_Bar,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES));
   if(D1_Bias=="Daily is Down" && H4_Bias=="4 Hour is Down" && H1_Bias=="None")
                triggerBarTime = iTime(NULL, low, 1);
                Comment("1 Hour Bias is: "+H1_Bias+" since: "+TimeToStr(triggerBarTime,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES));

string D1 = "...";
string H4 = "...";
string H1 = "...";

Comment(D1, "\n", H4, "\n", H1);
Sweet - seems straight forward. Will have a play in a little bit and confirm if that's done it :)
There will be a max 64 characters limit though.
There will be a max 64 characters limit though.

2054 characters.


Sorry. Meant to say number of parameters.