Start() vs OnTimer()


Hi all,

I'm not used to OnTimer() however, the EA refreshes every 2 minutes given by  EventSetTimer(60*2);

I would like to modify this EA, but it seems not working as usual:


   if(TimeCurrent()>0) { bool test = true;} else{ test = false; }

If I do this, I got an error: "Test - Undeclared identifier"

So i have to do this:

   if(TimeCurrent()>0) { bool test = true;} else{ bool test = false; }

=> This is really weird.

I tried to add the Start()... but I got the same error?

While if i do this into any other EA... it works fine:

   if(TimeCurrent()>0) { bool test = true;} else{ test = false; }

Please help



Declare the bool outside of {} if you are going to reference it in more than one{}


bool test;

if(TimeCurrent()>0) { test = true;} else{ test = false; }
bool test;

if(TimeCurrent()>0) { test = true;} else{ test = false; }
Just declare it on global.
Just declare it on global.
Thx : )