my vps-provider flies at 99,997% of light-speed ;)



I recently realized that the clock of my vps is delayed by ~30 seconds per hour.

After some searching I found the reason. Acc. to Einsteins's fomula ;)

delay² = 1 / (1 - x²/c²); // c = speed of light, x = speed of the server-farm
   ... // as one can see easily
x² = c² * ( 1-1/delay² )
x  = 299783390 meter/sec

my provider flights with 99.997% of the speed of light.

Isn't that fantastic? I only wonder where he is heading too?

Anyway I have to start searching for another one - closer to my own speed.

Have a nice day,


Just use a timekeeping sync and sync the time every hour.
I am now using Windows' time-sync every 5 min and I am looking for a new provider..
gooly: I recently realized that the clock of my vps is delayed by ~30 seconds per hour.
  1. Speed of light is irrelevant.
  2. Additional code is unnecessary.
  3. Turn on the time sync. control panel -> date and time -> Internet time -> synchronize