ChartSymbol(), ChartPeriod() Access violation read


Dir Sir, 

I found the "Access violation read to 0x09A45000" for the ChartSymbol(), ChartPeriod() after issuing the "PostMessageW(hwnd,WM_COMMAND,CHART_CMD_UPDATE_DATA,0);" in release 670. Is there any way to fix?

Great Thanks,


the error "Access violation read to 0x09A45000" has nothing to do with ChartSymbol() or ChartPeriod()

it's something with the dll you are importing


Thanks for reply, but why I can use them before the PostMessageW but cannot after it?

I use only one DLL as follows:-

#import "user32.dll"

int RegisterWindowMessageA(string lpString);


patrickkw: I use only one DLL as follows:-
#import "user32.dll"

int RegisterWindowMessageA(string lpString);

  1. Don't paste code
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  2. Since build 600 strings are Unicode and you are passing it to a function expecting a char array.