Cannot open an indicator from the Market folder in an EA



First of all, if you have already replied to similar questions, then please accept my apoligies, but then it would be really helpful, if you could send a link to your previous reply, as I've not been able to find any similar questions on your site.

I just upgraded to MT4 build 646, where after I bought an indicator on the MT Market.  Now I'm trying to use this indicator in my EA, but I get the following error;

2014.06.24 23:15:08.641 Cannot open file 'C:\Users\...\MQL4\indicators\traderdream.ex4' [2]

probably because this indicator is located in MQL4\indicators\market\

I do use the MetaEditor that is included in this MT (it's version 5, build 934), so I would expect it to know how to find indicators located on the market folder (as this is part of the default setup in MT4) ... but for some reasons, it seems like it doesn't.  Could you please guide me in how to tell my EA where to find this indicator?  Please note that I'm also using other indicators that are located in MQL4\indicators\

Thanks in advance.



click on File ---> Open data folder ---> double click the MQL4 folder, and see if it's there.


Hi gjol

It is located in folder MQL4\indicators\market\

As this is a special folder for the indicators downloaded from the MT Market, this morning I decided to try to copy it to MQL4\indicators\ (i.e. the default folder for indicators) and see what happend.  The result was that it now works fine ...

Anyway, just wanted to let you know, just in case you get similar questions from other users ... :-)


I have similar situation, running 4 versions of MT4, I can see certain purchased indicators in the Navigator folder structure on 3 of them, missing on the 4th. But when I go to File, Open Data Folder, I can them there as .ex files. So they are not compiling right? Any solutions? I will continue the search.