it tells you about all of your trade operations.
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| SendMail.mq4 | //| Copyright 2014, MetaQuotes Software Corp. | //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #include <stdlib.mqh> //#property strict #property indicator_chart_window extern bool Ignore = false; // Ignore the fact of the opening of market orders and to send messages only about changing them tp and sl. extern bool Market = true; // Send the notification for opened and closed orders. extern bool Pending = true; // Send the notification for pending and cancelled orders. int h,g,r,t,v; datetime DA[100],E[100],time; double PR[100],SL[100],TP[100]; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator iteration function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { //---- int L=OrdersTotal(); int H=OrdersHistoryTotal(); bool b=false; datetime date,today,expiry; int i,e,cmd,digits,c,f,error; double price,stop,take; string type[]={"buy","sell","buy limit","sell limit","buy stop","sell stop"}; string symbol,q,p,sl,tp,ct,text,d,ex; //--------------------------------------- for pending and opened orders today=iTime(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0); ct=TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS); if(t==1) { for(i=0; i<v; i++) { for(e=0; e<L; e++) { if(OrderSelect(e,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)==true) { cmd=OrderType(); date=OrderOpenTime(); d=TimeToStr(date,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS); expiry=OrderExpiration(); ex="Expiry: No"; if(expiry>today) ex="Expiry: "+TimeToStr(expiry,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES); symbol=OrderSymbol(); digits=(int)MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_DIGITS); price=OrderOpenPrice(); p=DoubleToStr(price,digits); stop=OrderStopLoss(); sl=DoubleToStr(stop,digits); take=OrderTakeProfit(); tp=DoubleToStr(take,digits); //---- if(Market==true && cmd<2) { c++; if(DA[i]==date) { if(SL[i]!=stop || TP[i]!=take) { q="Order "+type[cmd]+" changed."; text=ct+" "+type[cmd]+" "+symbol+" at: "+p+" sl: "+sl+" tp: "+tp; Comment(q,"\n",text);//b=SendMail(q,text); if(b==false) { // error=GetLastError(); // Alert("The notification by an order "+text+" has not been sent!\nError: "+ErrorDescription(error)+""); } } } //---- if(c>g) { if(i==0 && Ignore==false) { q="Order "+type[cmd]+" opened."; text=d+" "+type[cmd]+" "+symbol+" at: "+p+" sl: "+sl+" tp: "+tp; Comment(q,"\n",text);//b=SendMail(q,text); if(b==false) { // error=GetLastError(); // Alert("The notification by an order "+text+" has not been sent!\nError: "+ErrorDescription(error)+""); } } } } else { if(Pending==true && cmd>1 && cmd<6) { f++; if(DA[i]==date) { if(PR[i]!=price || SL[i]!=stop || TP[i]!=take || E[i]!=expiry) { q="Order "+type[cmd]+" changed."; text=ct+" "+type[cmd]+" "+symbol+" at: "+p+" sl: "+sl+" tp: "+tp+" "+ex; Comment(q,"\n",text);//b=SendMail(q,text); if(b==false) { // error=GetLastError(); // Alert("The notification by an order "+text+" has not been sent!\nError: "+ErrorDescription(error)+""); } } } //---- if(f>r) { if(i==0) { q="Order "+type[cmd]+" opened."; text=d+" "+type[cmd]+" "+symbol+" at: "+p+" sl: "+sl+" tp: "+tp+" "+ex; Comment(q,"\n",text);//b=SendMail(q,text); if(b==false) { // error=GetLastError(); // Alert("The notification by an order "+text+" has not been sent!\nError: "+ErrorDescription(error)+""); } } } } } } } } } //---- c=0; f=0; for(i=0; i<L; i++) { if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)==true) { DA[i]=OrderOpenTime(); E[i]=OrderExpiration(); PR[i]=OrderOpenPrice(); SL[i]=OrderStopLoss(); TP[i]=OrderTakeProfit(); cmd=OrderType(); if(cmd<2) { c++; } else { if(cmd>1 && cmd<6) { f++; } } } } g=c; r=f; v=i; if(i==0) v=1; //--------------------------------------------------------------- for closed and cancelled orders if(h!=H) { if(t==1) { for(i=H-1; i>H-20; i--) { if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY)==true) { date=OrderCloseTime(); if(time<date) { cmd=OrderType(); d=TimeToStr(date,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS); symbol=OrderSymbol(); digits=(int)MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_DIGITS); price=OrderClosePrice(); p=DoubleToStr(price,digits); stop=OrderStopLoss(); sl=DoubleToStr(stop,digits); take=OrderTakeProfit(); tp=DoubleToStr(take,digits); if(Market==true && cmd<2) { q="Order "+type[cmd]+" closed."; text=type[cmd]+" "+symbol+" sl: "+sl+" tp: "+tp+" "+d+" at: "+p; Comment(q,"\n",text);//b=SendMail(q,text); if(b==false) { // error=GetLastError(); // Alert("The notification by an order "+text+" has not been sent!\nError: "+ErrorDescription(error)+""); } } else { if(Pending==true && cmd>1 && cmd<6) { q="Order "+type[cmd]+" cancelled."; price=OrderOpenPrice(); p=DoubleToStr(price,digits); text=type[cmd]+" "+symbol+" at: "+p+" sl: "+sl+" tp: "+tp+" "+d; Comment(q,"\n",text);//b=SendMail(q,text); if(b==false) { // error=GetLastError(); // Alert("The notification by an order "+text+" has not been sent!\nError: "+ErrorDescription(error)+""); } } } } } } } //---- for(i=H-1; i>H-20; i--) { if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY)==true) { date=OrderCloseTime(); if(time<date) time=date; } } } t=1; return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
jfortes: Is there a command to create the Alerts in the terminal window ?
jfortes: none of the examples creates conditional Alerts in the terminal windows. | if(condition) Alert(...); |
Press Ctrl-T to access Terminal, click on tab "Alerts", in "Alerts" window right click for menu,
select "Create" and set up your condition.
Alternatively you could use push notification for messages between your expert and your
iphone/android mobile, see SendNotification() for limitations, you will require a MetaQuotes ID,
the messages are also notified in the Journal log.
Thanks everyone. Will look in to the SendNotification() .
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Hi, I'm developing an EA that besides placing orders, create Alerts for take profit.
Is there a command to create the Alerts in the terminal window ?