missing buttons on expert properties window


when opening the expert properties window, to enter input parameters for the expert, there is no "OK"/"Cancel" buttons.

I see only the "reset" button.

it happens both:

1. on the pop-up window when trying to assign expert to a graph,

2. on the strategy analysis pop-up window when setting parameters/optimization for the expert execution

I'm using build 646

I tryed to re-install, but still get the same.

thanks for your help

what happens if you use a MessageBox in script ?

also for indicators,

this problem is seen in some PC but not all

i have tired to change .net framework but nothing changed.

not sure what is the problem.

what happens if you use a MessageBox in script ?
what happens if you use a MessageBox in script ?

these are non-custom indicator.

i said script not an indicator

as you mentioned, in the messagebox script I also do not have the buttons

attached are the standard expert properties pop-up, and the messagebox pop-up

why I do not have the buttons to accept the changes?



i will run a scrip with msg box on a scrip and come back.


@ dorkor22 try to change the language to english and see if the problem continues

if so, remove the "#property show_inputs" from the code (script) and let's see what happens

Language change doesn't help.