How to modify external variable



external variable like bool if i selected manually to one of 2 cases and from program inside i want to reset it as if i remove the EA and attach it again on chart

external bool Run=true;

int start()

That is example if i click on Run on EA and select false, after achieving the condition i want the Run takes the true again without click on the run variable in EA. but in this case i must remove EA from chart and attach it again.

I hope you understand my question.

fx2013: after achieving the condition i want the Run takes the true again
external bool Run=true;
int start()
  if(condition) Run=true;
  if(!Run)      return(0);

You did not get my point.

My point is: when i select Run= false from input EA then,


so, the condition has been achieved and after that Run will be changed again to true, but i want run take true again in the input form of the EA. i mean when i changed Run with false in EA it will keep it save until i select true, but i want to change it from program without change it manually.

i hope you understood me

fx2013: but i want run take true again in the input form of the EA.
Not possible.