MT4 crash upon launch


I've clean windows 8.1 and MT4 crash upon launch. I've extract the log from %Appdata% but I do not know how to analyze it. Hope someone can help me. Thanks

Filename : mt4clw.AE1E8010B94723EE91282E39CA65A64B

Time : 2014.04.23 08:27 (00:00:00 elapsed)

Program : MetaTrader 4 Terminal

Version : 400.625 (21 Mar 2014)

Revision : 2528

OS : Windows 8 Professional 6.2 (Build 9200)

BIOS : _ASUS_ - 1072009 - X550LD

Explorer : 9.11

ID : 1676763F-15C3-I

Processors : 4 x Intel Core i5-4200U @ 1.60GHz


Memory : 1119 free of 3531 Mb

Virtual : 3923 free of 4095 Mb

Handlers : 231

Path : C:\Program Files (x86)\FX Solutions Australia - MetaTrader

Disk C: : 190633 Mb of 255999 Mb free

Exception : C0000005 at 011C63FC write to 00001348

Modules : 00EA0000 01713000 c:\program files (x86)\fx solutions australia - metatrader\terminal.exe (

: 77AC0000 00168000 c:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll (6.3.9600.17031)

: 775E0000 00140000 c:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll (6.3.9600.17056)

: 77720000 000CF000 c:\windows\system32\kernelbase.dll (6.3.9600.17055)

: 75400000 0006D000 c:\windows\system32\sysfer.dll (12.1.4013.4013)

: 777F0000 0004D000 c:\windows\system32\ws2_32.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 74D70000 00020000 c:\windows\system32\winmm.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 6F310000 00006000 c:\windows\system32\msimg32.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 6F1A0000 00148000 c:\windows\system32\dbghelp.dll (6.3.9600.16520)

: 76F10000 00006000 c:\windows\system32\psapi.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 720B0000 00094000 c:\windows\system32\winhttp.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 70670000 0014D000 c:\windows\winsxs\\gdiplus.dll (6.3.9600.17055)

: 76AB0000 0017F000 c:\windows\system32\crypt32.dll (6.3.9600.16431)

: 76870000 0014F000 c:\windows\system32\user32.dll (6.3.9600.17031)

: 76C30000 00108000 c:\windows\system32\gdi32.dll (6.3.9600.17042)

: 738A0000 0005E000 c:\windows\system32\winspool.drv (6.3.9600.16457)

: 769F0000 00078000 c:\windows\system32\advapi32.dll (6.3.9600.17031)

: 756C0000 011AD000 c:\windows\system32\shell32.dll (6.3.9600.17055)

: 6FAE0000 001E6000 c:\windows\winsxs\\comctl32.dll (6.3.9600.17031)

: 77590000 00041000 c:\windows\system32\shlwapi.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 70AC0000 000DB000 c:\windows\system32\uxtheme.dll (6.3.9600.17031)

: 76FA0000 0010C000 c:\windows\system32\ole32.dll (6.3.9600.17042)

: 77960000 00087000 c:\windows\system32\oleaut32.dll (6.3.9600.16506)

: 65590000 0001D000 c:\windows\system32\oledlg.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 73A30000 00008000 c:\windows\system32\wsock32.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 75200000 00008000 c:\windows\system32\version.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 73900000 00048000 c:\windows\system32\oleacc.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 769C0000 00025000 c:\windows\system32\imm32.dll (6.3.9600.17031)

: 77170000 00007000 c:\windows\system32\nsi.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 774D0000 000B1000 c:\windows\system32\rpcrt4.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 73B10000 00020000 c:\windows\system32\winmmbase.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 770B0000 000BE000 c:\windows\system32\msvcrt.dll (6.1.8638.16384)

: 77380000 0014E000 c:\windows\system32\combase.dll (6.3.9600.17031)

: 76F20000 0003E000 c:\windows\system32\sechost.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 77180000 0000E000 c:\windows\system32\msasn1.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 77190000 000F7000 c:\windows\system32\msctf.dll (6.3.9600.17031)

: 754F0000 0001D000 c:\windows\system32\sspicli.dll (6.3.9600.16408)

: 76A70000 0003A000 c:\windows\system32\cfgmgr32.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 75350000 0001F000 c:\windows\system32\devobj.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 754E0000 00009000 c:\windows\system32\cryptbase.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 75480000 00053000 c:\windows\system32\bcryptprimitives.dll (6.3.9600.17031)

: 73A90000 00076000 c:\windows\system32\shcore.dll (6.3.9600.17031)

: 753C0000 0000E000 c:\windows\system32\profapi.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 731A0000 00009000 c:\windows\system32\kernel.appcore.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 70F20000 00018000 c:\windows\system32\dwmapi.dll (6.3.9600.17031)

: 729E0000 00018000 c:\windows\system32\cryptsp.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 729B0000 0002F000 c:\windows\system32\rsaenh.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 72720000 0001D000 c:\windows\system32\bcrypt.dll (6.3.9600.17031)

: 778D0000 0007D000 c:\windows\system32\clbcatq.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 62A80000 00B39000 c:\windows\system32\ieframe.dll (11.0.9600.17031)

: 731D0000 00219000 c:\windows\system32\iertutil.dll (11.0.9600.17031)

: 723A0000 00122000 c:\windows\system32\urlmon.dll (11.0.9600.17031)

: 73600000 001BD000 c:\windows\system32\wininet.dll (11.0.9600.17031)

: 753E0000 00019000 c:\windows\system32\userenv.dll (6.3.9600.17041)

: 6FD70000 0007B000 c:\windows\system32\sxs.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 6FEA0000 00123000 c:\windows\system32\propsys.dll (7.0.9600.17041)

: 72F60000 00099000 c:\windows\system32\apphelp.dll (6.3.9600.17031)

: 60990000 0109E000 c:\windows\system32\mshtml.dll (11.0.9600.17037)

: 727A0000 00009000 c:\windows\system32\secur32.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 63D30000 0002F000 c:\windows\system32\mlang.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

: 63910000 00416000 c:\windows\system32\jscript9.dll (11.0.9600.17031)

: 6B870000 00007000 c:\windows\system32\dpapi.dll (6.3.9600.16384)

Registers : EAX=00150AD6 CS=0023 EIP=011C63FC EFLGS=00010202

: EBX=047CA780 SS=002b ESP=00A7D708 EBP=00A7D73C

: ECX=00000000 DS=002b ESI=011C6350 FS=0053

: EDX=00000000 ES=002b EDI=047CA6B8 GS=002b

Stack info : top=00A80000 bottom=00A6F000 base=00980000

Threads : #000 00001D9C EIP: 011C63FC ESP: 00A7D708 gui main

011C6350:0000AC [011C63FC] #18963 (terminal.exe)

00EC68B0:000331 [00EC6BE1] #2477 (terminal.exe)

00EC7FDC:000022 [00EC7FFE] #2519 (terminal.exe)

00EDF0E4:0000E7 [00EDF1CB] #3776 (terminal.exe)

00EC3A34:0000B0 [00EC3AE4] #2338 (terminal.exe)

00EC422E:000034 [00EC4262] #2349 (terminal.exe)

7687779D:000097 [76877834] CallWindowProcA (user32.dll)

76878F2A:0003E5 [7687930F] HiliteMenuItem (user32.dll)

7687779D:000450 [76877BED] CallWindowProcA (user32.dll)

768813F4:000144 [76881538] UnregisterUserApiHook (user32.dll)

77AFF314:00002E [77AFF342] LdrFlushAlternateResourceModules (ntdll.dll)

7688DC42:000906 [7688E548] CreateIconFromResourceEx (user32.dll)

7688DC42:000035 [7688DC77] CreateIconFromResourceEx (user32.dll)

768965B9:00001B [768965D4] CreateIconFromResource (user32.dll)

00ED680B:000043 [00ED684E] #3514 (terminal.exe)

00ED5F75:00012A [00ED609F] #3485 (terminal.exe)

00ED5F1F:000044 [00ED5F63] #3484 (terminal.exe)

00EEDD6E:0000AD [00EEDE1B] #4493 (terminal.exe)

011D1860:00030E [011D1B6E] #19244 (terminal.exe)

00EC68B0:000331 [00EC6BE1] #2477 (terminal.exe)

00EC7FDC:000022 [00EC7FFE] #2519 (terminal.exe)

00EDF0E4:0000E7 [00EDF1CB] #3776 (terminal.exe)

00EC3A34:0000B0 [00EC3AE4] #2338 (terminal.exe)

00EC422E:000034 [00EC4262] #2349 (terminal.exe)

7687779D:000097 [76877834] CallWindowProcA (user32.dll)

76878F2A:0003E5 [7687930F] HiliteMenuItem (user32.dll)

7687779D:000450 [76877BED] CallWindowProcA (user32.dll)

768813F4:000144 [76881538] UnregisterUserApiHook (user32.dll)

77AFF314:00002E [77AFF342] LdrFlushAlternateResourceModules (ntdll.dll)

768813F4:00029A [7688168E] UnregisterUserApiHook (user32.dll)

76884E40:000037 [76884E77] CsrBroadcastSystemMessageExW (user32.dll)

00EC95C5:000058 [00EC961D] #2598 (terminal.exe)

00EC4F52:0000B7 [00EC5009] #2368 (terminal.exe)

011C6350 55 push ebp

011C6351 8BEC mov ebp, esp

011C6353 83E4F8 and esp, 0xf8

011C6356 83EC24 sub esp, 0x24

011C6359 53 push ebx

011C635A 56 push esi

011C635B 57 push edi

011C635C FF7508 push dword [ebp+0x8]

011C635F 8BF9 mov edi, ecx

011C6361 C744241400000000 mov dword [esp+0x14], 0x0

011C6369 C744241800000000 mov dword [esp+0x18], 0x0

011C6371 C744241C00000000 mov dword [esp+0x1c], 0x0

011C6379 C744242000000000 mov dword [esp+0x20], 0x0

011C6381 E82681D1FF call 0xede4ac ; #3751 (terminal.exe)

011C6386 83F8FF cmp eax, 0xff

011C6389 750C jnz 0x11c6397

011C638B 83C8FF or eax, 0xff

011C638E 5F pop edi

011C638F 5E pop esi

011C6390 5B pop ebx

011C6391 8BE5 mov esp, ebp

011C6393 5D pop ebp

011C6394 C20400 ret 0x4

011C6397 8D442410 lea eax, [esp+0x10]

011C639B 50 push eax

011C639C FF7720 push dword [edi+0x20]

011C639F FF15288B2C01 call dword near [0x12c8b28] ; #22591 (terminal.exe)

011C63A5 8B442418 mov eax, [esp+0x18]

011C63A9 2B442410 sub eax, [esp+0x10]

011C63AD 686C050000 push dword 0x56c

011C63B2 8944242C mov [esp+0x2c], eax

011C63B6 8B442420 mov eax, [esp+0x20]

011C63BA 2B442418 sub eax, [esp+0x18]

011C63BE 57 push edi

011C63BF 8D4C2428 lea ecx, [esp+0x28]

011C63C3 51 push ecx

011C63C4 8D9FC8000000 lea ebx, [edi+0xc8]

011C63CA 89442438 mov [esp+0x38], eax

011C63CE 8B03 mov eax, [ebx]

011C63D0 6800000054 push dword 0x54000000

011C63D5 6A00 push 0x0

011C63D7 8BCB mov ecx, ebx

011C63D9 C744243400000000 mov dword [esp+0x34], 0x0

011C63E1 C744243800000000 mov dword [esp+0x38], 0x0

011C63E9 FF9060010000 call dword near [eax+0x160]

011C63EF 85C0 test eax, eax

011C63F1 7498 jz 0x11c638b

011C63F3 8B0D04D23C01 mov ecx, [0x13cd204]

011C63F9 8B4720 mov eax, [edi+0x20]

crash --> 011C63FC 898148130000 mov [ecx+0x1348], eax

011C6402 8B4720 mov eax, [edi+0x20]

011C6405 81C14C130000 add ecx, 0x134c

011C640B 8DB7BC030000 lea esi, [edi+0x3bc]

011C6411 8987C0030000 mov [edi+0x3c0], eax

011C6417 8B01 mov eax, [ecx]

011C6419 56 push esi

: #001 00001904 EIP: 77AFD72C ESP: 04BCF994

77AFD720:00000C [77AFD72C] NtWow64CsrFreeCaptureBuffer (ntdll.dll)

7687C147:000159 [7687C2A0] OpenClipboard (user32.dll)

7687BDF9:00001F [7687BE18] OffsetRect (user32.dll)

706715C4:000000 [706715C4] unknown (gdiplus.dll)

706783AC:001F65 [7067A311] GdipAlloc (gdiplus.dll)

775F9191:00000E [775F919F] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)

77B0A847:000084 [77B0A8CB] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

77B0A847:00005A [77B0A8A1] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

: #002 000008C8 EIP: 77AFEC6C ESP: 05D4F95C

77AFEC60:00000C [77AFEC6C] ZwWow64CsrCaptureMessageBuffer (ntdll.dll)

775F9191:00000E [775F919F] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)

77B0A847:000084 [77B0A8CB] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

77B0A847:00005A [77B0A8A1] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

: #003 00001BBC EIP: 77AFEC6C ESP: 05E8FA18

77AFEC60:00000C [77AFEC6C] ZwWow64CsrCaptureMessageBuffer (ntdll.dll)

775F9191:00000E [775F919F] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)

77B0A847:000084 [77B0A8CB] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

77B0A847:00005A [77B0A8A1] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

: #004 00002698 EIP: 77AFD72C ESP: 05FCFA3C

77AFD720:00000C [77AFD72C] NtWow64CsrFreeCaptureBuffer (ntdll.dll)

773A5D34:00029C [773A5FD0] CoRegisterSurrogateEx (combase.dll)

773A5D34:00030A [773A603E] CoRegisterSurrogateEx (combase.dll)

773A5D34:0003CD [773A6101] CoRegisterSurrogateEx (combase.dll)

773A5D34:000523 [773A6257] CoRegisterSurrogateEx (combase.dll)

775F9191:00000E [775F919F] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)

77B0A847:000084 [77B0A8CB] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

77B0A847:00005A [77B0A8A1] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

: #005 00002770 EIP: 77AFEC6C ESP: 0640F898

77AFEC60:00000C [77AFEC6C] ZwWow64CsrCaptureMessageBuffer (ntdll.dll)

775F9191:00000E [775F919F] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)

77B0A847:000084 [77B0A8CB] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

77B0A847:00005A [77B0A8A1] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

: #006 000002F8 EIP: 77AFD72C ESP: 0654F8D4

77AFD720:00000C [77AFD72C] NtWow64CsrFreeCaptureBuffer (ntdll.dll)

7687C147:000159 [7687C2A0] OpenClipboard (user32.dll)

773CBFD8:000203 [773CC1DB] func_339 (combase.dll)

77401CE2:00022A [77401F0C] NdrProxyForwardingFunction27 (combase.dll)

773992FD:00005A [77399357] ObjectStublessClient24 (combase.dll)

60F4A311:0D2512 [6101C823] IERegisterXMLNS (mshtml.dll)

60BCF1F8:0A1306 [60C704FE] GetColorValueFromString (mshtml.dll)

60D8D315:00612C [60D93441] ShowHTMLDialog (mshtml.dll)

775F9191:00000E [775F919F] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)

77B0A847:000084 [77B0A8CB] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

77B0A847:00005A [77B0A8A1] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

: #007 00002478 EIP: 77AFD72C ESP: 066FF6AC

77AFD720:00000C [77AFD72C] NtWow64CsrFreeCaptureBuffer (ntdll.dll)

63915275:0043C2 [63919637] JsVarToExtension (jscript9.dll)

6393685D:0BC4F2 [639F2D4F] DllGetClassObject (jscript9.dll)

770C0B84:000040 [770C0BC4] _wtoi64 (msvcrt.dll)

770C0C25:0000C7 [770C0CEC] _beginthreadex (msvcrt.dll)

775F9191:00000E [775F919F] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)

77B0A847:000084 [77B0A8CB] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

77B0A847:00005A [77B0A8A1] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

: #008 00001B7C EIP: 77AFD1BC ESP: 0685F700

77AFD1B0:00000C [77AFD1BC] NtWow64CsrGetProcessId (ntdll.dll)

7772102B:000012 [7772103D] WaitForSingleObject (kernelbase.dll)

63915275:0048A1 [63919B16] JsVarToExtension (jscript9.dll)

63915275:004864 [63919AD9] JsVarToExtension (jscript9.dll)

63915275:01CBF1 [63931E66] JsVarToExtension (jscript9.dll)

770C0B84:000040 [770C0BC4] _wtoi64 (msvcrt.dll)

770C0C25:0000C7 [770C0CEC] _beginthreadex (msvcrt.dll)

775F9191:00000E [775F919F] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)

77B0A847:000084 [77B0A8CB] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

77B0A847:00005A [77B0A8A1] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

Crash message "crash --> 011C63FC 898148130000 mov [ecx+0x1348], eax"
Ok, right click on the program, change compatibility to Windows 7.

I've changed it and the result is same. Crash upon start up and crash on same spot

" crash --> 00C163FC 898148130000 mov [ecx+0x1348], eax"

Do I need to change to all .exe file or only terminal will do?
Terminal. Uninstall, reboot, install, change compatibility to 7, open.

Not working as well

" crash --> 014463FC 898148130000 mov [ecx+0x1348], eax"

Is there any driver or program I need to install? Is MT4 using java or .NET framework?



I have the same issue.

OS is Windows 8.1

Log file attached


Filename : mt4clw.AE1E8010B94723EE91282E39CA65A64B
Time : 2014.04.23 12:38 (00:00:16 elapsed)
Program : MetaTrader 4 Terminal
Version : 400.625 (21 Mar 2014)
Revision : 2528
OS : Windows 8 Professional 6.2 (Build 9200)
BIOS : TOSHIB - 1 - Satellite U920t
Explorer : 9.10
ID : C7FBB405-D236-I
Processors : 4 x Intel Core i5-3317U @ 1.70GHz
Computer : TOSHIBA-PC:Toshiba-PC
Memory : 2405 free of 3990 Mb
Virtual : 3928 free of 4095 Mb
Handlers : 228
Path : C:\Users\Toshiba\Desktop\ForexClub MT4\ForexClub MT4
Disk C: : 47982 Mb of 105123 Mb free
Exception : C0000005 at 004463FC write to 00001348

Modules : 00120000 01713000 c:\users\toshiba\desktop\forexclub mt4\forexclub mt4\terminal.exe (
: 778C0000 00157000 c:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll (6.2.9200.16420)
: 758F0000 00130000 c:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll (6.2.9200.16859)
: 76020000 000A7000 c:\windows\system32\kernelbase.dll (6.2.9200.16857)
: 74DD0000 0006D000 c:\windows\system32\sysfer.dll (12.1.4013.4013)
: 77720000 00050000 c:\windows\system32\ws2_32.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 72B90000 00021000 c:\windows\system32\winmm.dll (6.2.9200.16642)
: 73E10000 00006000 c:\windows\system32\msimg32.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 6EC70000 00129000 c:\windows\system32\dbghelp.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 76390000 00006000 c:\windows\system32\psapi.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 734C0000 00082000 c:\windows\system32\winhttp.dll (6.2.9200.16451)
: 764E0000 00163000 c:\windows\winsxs\\gdiplus.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 750F0000 00182000 c:\windows\system32\crypt32.dll (6.2.9200.16727)
: 74FD0000 00116000 c:\windows\system32\user32.dll (6.2.9200.16420)
: 75E50000 000FD000 c:\windows\system32\gdi32.dll (6.2.9200.16728)
: 747F0000 00060000 c:\windows\system32\winspool.drv (6.2.9200.16384)
: 760E0000 000AE000 c:\windows\system32\advapi32.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 76650000 010C6000 c:\windows\system32\shell32.dll (6.2.9200.16807)
: 73550000 001F7000 c:\windows\winsxs\\comctl32.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 75F50000 00040000 c:\windows\system32\shlwapi.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 74740000 00088000 c:\windows\system32\uxtheme.dll (6.2.9200.16537)
: 75BD0000 00119000 c:\windows\system32\ole32.dll (6.2.9200.16451)
: 75F90000 0008B000 c:\windows\system32\oleaut32.dll (6.2.9200.16726)
: 73C90000 0001D000 c:\windows\system32\oledlg.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 74070000 00008000 c:\windows\system32\wsock32.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 74C80000 00008000 c:\windows\system32\version.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 73E20000 00050000 c:\windows\system32\oleacc.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 758D0000 00020000 c:\windows\system32\imm32.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 75A20000 000AC000 c:\windows\system32\rpcrt4.dll (6.2.9200.16622)
: 74FC0000 00008000 c:\windows\system32\nsi.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 72AC0000 0002B000 c:\windows\system32\winmmbase.dll (6.2.9200.16645)
: 762D0000 000B1000 c:\windows\system32\msvcrt.dll (6.1.8638.16384)
: 763A0000 00136000 c:\windows\system32\combase.dll (6.2.9200.16420)
: 75450000 00034000 c:\windows\system32\sechost.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 75430000 00012000 c:\windows\system32\msasn1.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 75AD0000 000DE000 c:\windows\system32\msctf.dll (6.2.9200.16578)
: 74EB0000 0001C000 c:\windows\system32\sspicli.dll (6.2.9200.16420)
: 74ED0000 00046000 c:\windows\system32\cfgmgr32.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 75BB0000 0001E000 c:\windows\system32\devobj.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 74EA0000 00009000 c:\windows\system32\cryptbase.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 74E40000 00051000 c:\windows\system32\bcryptprimitives.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 61170000 0000D000 c:\program files (x86)\crypto pro\csp\cpcrypt.dll (3.6.4613.0)
: 0F000000 00006000 c:\program files (x86)\crypto pro\csp\detoured.dll (
: 615A0000 00008000 c:\program files (x86)\crypto pro\csp\cpsecur.dll (3.6.4586.0)
: 74BA0000 00073000 c:\windows\system32\shcore.dll (6.2.9200.16751)
: 73B80000 00026000 c:\windows\system32\ntmarta.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 75E30000 00011000 c:\windows\system32\profapi.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 6F0D0000 00026000 tv_w32.dll
: 74D60000 00069000 c:\program files (x86)\common files\microsoft shared\ink\tiptsf.dll (6.2.9200.16433)
: 74690000 00019000 c:\windows\system32\dwmapi.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 74670000 0001A000 c:\windows\system32\cryptsp.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 61080000 0000C000 c:\program files (x86)\crypto pro\csp\cpadvai.dll (3.6.4812.0)
: 74630000 0003E000 c:\windows\system32\rsaenh.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 74F40000 00074000 c:\windows\system32\clbcatq.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 6C6F0000 00D25000 c:\windows\system32\ieframe.dll (10.0.9200.16863)
: 754F0000 001F9000 c:\windows\system32\iertutil.dll (10.0.9200.16859)
: 76190000 00121000 c:\windows\system32\urlmon.dll (10.0.9200.16859)
: 75710000 001B7000 c:\windows\system32\wininet.dll (10.0.9200.16862)
: 74F20000 0001B000 c:\windows\system32\userenv.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 61670000 00009000 c:\program files (x86)\crypto pro\csp\cpwinet.dll (3.6.4441.0)
: 728C0000 000A0000 c:\windows\system32\sxs.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 72140000 00119000 c:\windows\system32\propsys.dll (7.0.9200.16420)
: 74AF0000 000A7000 c:\windows\system32\apphelp.dll (6.2.9200.16420)
: 6B0F0000 00DB7000 c:\windows\system32\mshtml.dll (10.0.9200.16863)
: 740A0000 00009000 c:\windows\system32\secur32.dll (6.2.9200.16384)
: 6EC30000 00032000 c:\windows\system32\mlang.dll (6.2.9200.16384)

Registers : EAX=00060656 CS=0023 EIP=004463FC EFLGS=00010202
: EBX=0413ECD0 SS=002b ESP=019BDA58 EBP=019BDA8C
: ECX=00000000 DS=002b ESI=00446350 FS=0053
: EDX=00000000 ES=002b EDI=0413EC08 GS=002b

Stack info : top=019C0000 bottom=019B0000 base=018C0000

Threads : #000 00001504 EIP: 004463FC ESP: 019BDA58 gui main
00446350:0000AC [004463FC] #18963 (terminal.exe)
001468B0:000331 [00146BE1] #2477 (terminal.exe)
00147FDC:000022 [00147FFE] #2519 (terminal.exe)
0015F0E4:0000E7 [0015F1CB] #3776 (terminal.exe)
00143A34:0000B0 [00143AE4] #2338 (terminal.exe)
0014422E:000034 [00144262] #2349 (terminal.exe)
74FD72F8:0004E0 [74FD77D8] func_890 (user32.dll)
74FD8E40:0002A7 [74FD90E7] GetCapture (user32.dll)
74FD7983:0001EC [74FD7B6F] PrivateExtractIconExA (user32.dll)
74FDCF9E:0000DA [74FDD078] DialogBoxParamW (user32.dll)
77902ED4:00002E [77902F02] LdrFlushAlternateResourceModules (ntdll.dll)
74FEAAC0:000BC1 [74FEB681] SetMenuItemBitmaps (user32.dll)
74FEA246:000034 [74FEA27A] CreateIconFromResourceEx (user32.dll)
74FEDF20:00001B [74FEDF3B] CreateIconFromResource (user32.dll)
0015680B:000043 [0015684E] #3514 (terminal.exe)
00155F75:00012A [0015609F] #3485 (terminal.exe)
00155F1F:000044 [00155F63] #3484 (terminal.exe)
0016DD6E:0000AD [0016DE1B] #4493 (terminal.exe)
00451860:00030E [00451B6E] #19244 (terminal.exe)
001468B0:000331 [00146BE1] #2477 (terminal.exe)
00147FDC:000022 [00147FFE] #2519 (terminal.exe)
0015F0E4:0000E7 [0015F1CB] #3776 (terminal.exe)
00143A34:0000B0 [00143AE4] #2338 (terminal.exe)
0014422E:000034 [00144262] #2349 (terminal.exe)
74FD72F8:0004E0 [74FD77D8] func_890 (user32.dll)
74FD8E40:0002A7 [74FD90E7] GetCapture (user32.dll)
74FD7983:0001EC [74FD7B6F] PrivateExtractIconExA (user32.dll)
74FDCF9E:0000DA [74FDD078] DialogBoxParamW (user32.dll)
77902ED4:00002E [77902F02] LdrFlushAlternateResourceModules (ntdll.dll)
74FDCF9E:0001FA [74FDD198] DialogBoxParamW (user32.dll)
74FE35F4:000037 [74FE362B] CsrBroadcastSystemMessageExW (user32.dll)
001495C5:000058 [0014961D] #2598 (terminal.exe)
00144F52:0000B7 [00145009] #2368 (terminal.exe)

00446350 55 push ebp
00446351 8BEC mov ebp, esp
00446353 83E4F8 and esp, 0xf8
00446356 83EC24 sub esp, 0x24
00446359 53 push ebx
0044635A 56 push esi
0044635B 57 push edi
0044635C FF7508 push dword [ebp+0x8]
0044635F 8BF9 mov edi, ecx
00446361 C744241400000000 mov dword [esp+0x14], 0x0
00446369 C744241800000000 mov dword [esp+0x18], 0x0
00446371 C744241C00000000 mov dword [esp+0x1c], 0x0
00446379 C744242000000000 mov dword [esp+0x20], 0x0
00446381 E82681D1FF call 0x15e4ac ; #3751 (terminal.exe)
00446386 83F8FF cmp eax, 0xff
00446389 750C jnz 0x446397

0044638B 83C8FF or eax, 0xff
0044638E 5F pop edi
0044638F 5E pop esi
00446390 5B pop ebx
00446391 8BE5 mov esp, ebp
00446393 5D pop ebp
00446394 C20400 ret 0x4

00446397 8D442410 lea eax, [esp+0x10]
0044639B 50 push eax
0044639C FF7720 push dword [edi+0x20]
0044639F FF15288B5400 call dword near [0x548b28] ; #22591 (terminal.exe)
004463A5 8B442418 mov eax, [esp+0x18]
004463A9 2B442410 sub eax, [esp+0x10]
004463AD 686C050000 push dword 0x56c
004463B2 8944242C mov [esp+0x2c], eax
004463B6 8B442420 mov eax, [esp+0x20]
004463BA 2B442418 sub eax, [esp+0x18]
004463BE 57 push edi
004463BF 8D4C2428 lea ecx, [esp+0x28]
004463C3 51 push ecx
004463C4 8D9FC8000000 lea ebx, [edi+0xc8]
004463CA 89442438 mov [esp+0x38], eax
004463CE 8B03 mov eax, [ebx]
004463D0 6800000054 push dword 0x54000000
004463D5 6A00 push 0x0
004463D7 8BCB mov ecx, ebx
004463D9 C744243400000000 mov dword [esp+0x34], 0x0
004463E1 C744243800000000 mov dword [esp+0x38], 0x0
004463E9 FF9060010000 call dword near [eax+0x160]
004463EF 85C0 test eax, eax
004463F1 7498 jz 0x44638b

004463F3 8B0D04D26400 mov ecx, [0x64d204]
004463F9 8B4720 mov eax, [edi+0x20]
crash --> 004463FC 898148130000 mov [ecx+0x1348], eax
00446402 8B4720 mov eax, [edi+0x20]
00446405 81C14C130000 add ecx, 0x134c
0044640B 8DB7BC030000 lea esi, [edi+0x3bc]
00446411 8987C0030000 mov [edi+0x3c0], eax
00446417 8B01 mov eax, [ecx]
00446419 56 push esi

: #001 00001014 EIP: 77902828 ESP: 043AFA90
7790281C:00000C [77902828] NtWow64CsrIdentifyAlertableThread (ntdll.dll)
759186D5:00000E [759186E3] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)
7791ABE4:000085 [7791AC69] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)
7791ABE4:000058 [7791AC3C] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

: #002 00000B04 EIP: 77901318 ESP: 0459F93C
7790130C:00000C [77901318] NtWow64CsrClientConnectToServer (ntdll.dll)
74FD973F:00013A [74FD9879] OffsetRect (user32.dll)
74FD973F:000039 [74FD9778] OffsetRect (user32.dll)
74FD9911:00001F [74FD9930] OemToCharW (user32.dll)
764E1811:000000 [764E1811] unknown (gdiplus.dll)
764E7A6D:002019 [764E9A86] GdipDeleteFont (gdiplus.dll)
759186D5:00000E [759186E3] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)
7791ABE4:000085 [7791AC69] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)
7791ABE4:000058 [7791AC3C] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

: #003 00000DE0 EIP: 77902828 ESP: 057FFBF8
7790281C:00000C [77902828] NtWow64CsrIdentifyAlertableThread (ntdll.dll)
759186D5:00000E [759186E3] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)
7791ABE4:000085 [7791AC69] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)
7791ABE4:000058 [7791AC3C] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

: #004 00000E4C EIP: 77901318 ESP: 0593F8F0
7790130C:00000C [77901318] NtWow64CsrClientConnectToServer (ntdll.dll)
763A4834:0001FC [763A4A30] CoReleaseMarshalData (combase.dll)
763A4834:000295 [763A4AC9] CoReleaseMarshalData (combase.dll)
763A4834:0005C6 [763A4DFA] CoReleaseMarshalData (combase.dll)
763A4834:00078E [763A4FC2] CoReleaseMarshalData (combase.dll)
759186D5:00000E [759186E3] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)
7791ABE4:000085 [7791AC69] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)
7791ABE4:000058 [7791AC3C] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)

: #005 00001660 EIP: 77901318 ESP: 05D3FBDC
7790130C:00000C [77901318] NtWow64CsrClientConnectToServer (ntdll.dll)
74FD973F:00013A [74FD9879] OffsetRect (user32.dll)
74FD973F:000039 [74FD9778] OffsetRect (user32.dll)
763E8056:00047D [763E84D3] CoRegisterSurrogate (combase.dll)
763E8B73:00021A [763E8D8D] NdrpFindInterface (combase.dll)
763E8B73:0000B0 [763E8C23] NdrpFindInterface (combase.dll)
6B29F05C:000000 [6B29F05C] unknown (mshtml.dll)
6B596045:00B0E8 [6B5A112D] func_33 (mshtml.dll)
6B58BF7F:00033D [6B58C2BC] RunHTMLApplication (mshtml.dll)
759186D5:00000E [759186E3] AcquireSRWLockExclusive (kernel32.dll)
7791ABE4:000085 [7791AC69] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)
7791ABE4:000058 [7791AC3C] RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (ntdll.dll)


Try build 628.

If the problem persists, please report it the Metaquotes ServiceDesk.


From what I have see wiith the new MT4, if there a bug (a mistake) in a program, MT4 stop working.

Try to close all the pairs, so that there is no indicator in any charts, and try again ... ?

or go to "profil", delete everything - everything and start again MT4 ?