Printing hard copy to a printer


Bear with me, I'm a newbie. Is there a function, or routine to print out to an external printer

(Basically what you can print to the journal, but a hard copy instead.

print what ?
It is like direct hard-copy logging ... hmm... never seen one before...
print what ?

When you use the "print" function I understand it puts whatever you specify into the journal.

I want know if you can print it out to a printer instead (to keep a hard copy).. I said I was newbie,

and it maybe that this is a daft question -

if so I apologise for wasting everybody's time.


When you use the "print" function I understand it puts whatever you specify into the journal.

no, when you print from the terminal (File ---> Print or CTRL + P) it prints the active chart

I want know if you can print it out to a printer instead (to keep a hard copy).. I said I was newbie,

now i understand, you want to print the journal

in this case i think it's only possible via WinApi

WinApi ? I don't think he wants to do that from code ?

Just open the log file with an editor and print it.