where can i get my www.mql5.com affiliate link for promoting?

please if i want to promote www.mql5.com to my friends what, how can i get my personal affiliate  link  to get commisions? so when they register through my link i will get comissions for their purchases ?
please if i want to promote www.mql5.com to my friends what, how can i get my personal affiliate  link  to get commisions? so when they register through my link i will get comissions for their purchases ?
In your Profile,  under Achievements,  scroll all the way to the bottom of the page . . .
http://files.metatrader5.com/6433202/mt5setup.exe and increase your rating. We will pay you 20 cents per each download. the referal link is just for mt5 downloads, what i need is a general referal link to www.mql5.com. so when any one clicks on it and make any buy signals, expertadvisors or indicator i will then get commisiions. so how can i  get that?
 what i need is a general referal link to www.mql5.com. so when any one clicks on it and make any buy signals, expertadvisors or indicator i will then get commisiions. so how can i  get that?
I don't think it exists . . .
http://files.metatrader5.com/6433202/mt5setup.exe and increase your rating. We will pay you 20 cents per each download. the referal link is just for mt5 downloads, what i need is a general referal link to www.mql5.com. so when any one clicks on it and make any buy signals, expertadvisors or indicator i will then get commisiions. so how can i  get that?
There is no general link for that, only particular link for each signal or product participating to the affiliate program.
so how can i get a particular  affiliate link to promote  a signal or product?
so how can i get a particular  affiliate link to promote  a signal or product?

You can only do so if the Author allows it . . . . if they do go to the Product look for the Widget link on the left side of the page  click on "Insert product's widget into your blog"  and you will see the percentage offered by the Author . . .

For example . . .  

You will receive 10% of the product's cost as remuneration for attracting customers to it.

so how can i get a particular  affiliate link to promote  a signal or product?


Is the MQL5.community Affiliate Program working now?

forex2start, 2013.07.21 09:56

There are a few topics in the forum announced the MQL5.community affiliate program:

Set a reward for your partners and boost your sales right now!

New Reward Scheme for Attracting Users


Is the affiliate program working now or still under construction?

I'm asking the question because I'm also a seller and I find that the URLs of my products are same for seller and affiliate, for example: http://mql5.com/abc.

There is no affiliate ID or something like that is included in the URL. How does the MQL5 market identify the source or referrer of a purchase? For example, from which affiliate or the seller himself/herself?


I know that there is a MT5 download/install affiliate program:

Twenty Cents for Each MetaTrader 5 Installation Via Your Link! 

Each affiliate has their own links to promote to download the MetaTader software. The link contain different user ID related information so the download source can be tracked.