Objects keep deleting themselves..?


I have three separate scripts which generate and update three key drawings; fibonacci retracements, gann fans and andrew's pitchfork. After attaching the scripts to a chart though they appear for a few moments, begin calculating the appropriate position and then seemingly vanish.

Has anyone experienced anything like this happening? I can post the codes no problem first just wanted to be sure it wasn't a noob problem that couldn't be easily fixed.

look in the termnal experts tab for an error message

I have three separate scripts which generate and update three key drawings; fibonacci retracements, gann fans and andrew's pitchfork. After attaching the scripts to a chart though they appear for a few moments, begin calculating the appropriate position and then seemingly vanish.

Has anyone experienced anything like this happening? I can post the codes no problem first just wanted to be sure it wasn't a noob problem that couldn't be easily fixed.

Has anyone experienced anything like this happening?

Yes, you just wrote you have ....


I bet the script have a delete all objects when deinit().

@ super_noob

Show us your code and somebody will help you if it is not too much to help.