expert adviser working on several chart at the same time



My name is Donald.

This ea works fine one a single chart.

i use it on the small chart like petrolbars (with a value of max 25 ) so mine highest lost will be about 500 euro.

But what i would like is that this ea will work on several chart at the same time.

i hope that someone would like to fix this problem.


double pips;
//| expert initialization function |
int init()
double ticksize = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKSIZE);
if(ticksize ==0.0001||ticksize ==0.001)
pips = ticksize * 10;
else pips = ticksize;
//| expert deinitialization function |
int deinit()

//| expert start function |
int start()
static double koop = 10000000;
double a = iMA(NULL,1,5,0,0,0,1);
double b = Close[0];
if (b<a)
if (Close[0]<koop)
if (Close[0] >= koop)
return (false);
if (Close[0]>koop+20*pips)
if( OrderClose(1968,0.01,Ask,3,Blue));
{if (Close[0]<=koop)
return (false);
if (OrdersTotal()==0)

Hello i have a loop placed in the code (blue) instead of (if(OrdersTotal()<=10000000)).

This wil work fine for 1 order but when i change (if (OpenLongOrders ==0)) in (if (OpenLongOrders <=10))

it keeps on getting orders until 10.

but i would like only to buy if value decreased 0.10 point.

double pips;
//| expert initialization function |
int init()
double ticksize = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKSIZE);
if(ticksize ==0.0001||ticksize ==0.001)
pips = ticksize * 10;
else pips = ticksize;
//| expert deinitialization function |
int deinit()

//| expert start function |
int start()
static double koop = 10000000;
double a = iMA(NULL,1,5,0,0,0,1);
double b = Close[0];
if (b>a)
if (Close[0]<koop)
int total = OrdersTotal();
int i;
double OpenLongOrders = 0;
for( i=0;i<OrdersTotal();i++)
OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS );
if ( OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == 1968)
int type = OrderType();

if (type == OP_BUY ) {OpenLongOrders=OpenLongOrders+1;}

if (OpenLongOrders ==0)
if (Close[0] >= koop)
return (false);
if (Close[0]>koop+20*pips)
if (Close[0]<=koop)
return (false);
if (OrdersTotal()==0)

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Please edit your post.
For large amounts of code, attach it.
double pips;
//| expert initialization function |
int init()
double ticksize = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKSIZE);
if(ticksize ==0.0001||ticksize ==0.001)
pips = ticksize * 10;
else pips = ticksize;
//| expert deinitialization function |
int deinit()

//| expert start function |
int start()
static double koop = 10000000;
double a = iMA(NULL,1,5,0,0,0,1);
double b = Close[0];
if (b>a)
if (Close[0]<koop)
int total = OrdersTotal();
int i;
double OpenLongOrders = 0;
for( i=0;i<OrdersTotal();i++)
OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS );
if ( OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == 1968)
int type = OrderType();

if (type == OP_BUY ) {OpenLongOrders=OpenLongOrders+1;}

if (OpenLongOrders ==0)
if (Close[0] >= koop)
return (false);
if (Close[0]>koop+20*pips)
if (Close[0]<=koop)
return (false);
if (OrdersTotal()==0)


Here is the first code

double pips;
//| expert initialization function |
int init()
double ticksize = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKSIZE);
if(ticksize ==0.0001||ticksize ==0.001)
pips = ticksize * 10;
else pips = ticksize;
//| expert deinitialization function |
int deinit()

//| expert start function |
int start()
static double koop = 10000000;
double a = iMA(NULL,1,5,0,0,0,1);
double b = Close[0];
if (b<a)
if (Close[0]<koop)
if (Close[0] >= koop)
return (false);
if (Close[0]>koop+20*pips)
if( OrderClose(1968,0.01,Ask,3,Blue));
{if (Close[0]<=koop)
return (false);
if (OrdersTotal()==0)


Here is the first code


The code looks like a joke and it's not April's fools.

You need to read the documentation on ALL functions you used in your code and if you don't understand something come back and ask.

You will get explanations and help but you need to do your bit first.

There are examples in the help file and online documentation for how to use in a proper way all the functions you need.

int start()                                                                 // note that this is an integer function and has to return an integer
static double koop = 10000000;                                              // what is this supposed to be ?
double a = iMA(NULL,1,5,0,0,0,1);                                           // do you understand the iMA function ?
double b = Close[0];                                                        // do you understand the Close[] function ?
if (b<a)                                                                    // this is the same as
if (Close[0]<koop)                                                          // this
if(OrdersTotal()<=10000000)                                                 // 10 million ? Are you serious ?
{OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,0.01,Ask,3,0,Ask+10*pips,NULL,1968,0,Green);     // 
if (Close[0] >= koop)                                                       // When is the close of a bar be over 10 million ?
return (false);                                                             // int start() cannot return true or false !
koop=Close[0]-10*pips;                                                      // what is the value of pips ? It's zero, from the start
return(true);                                                               // int start() cannot return true or false !
}                                                                           // this is an amazing way of using                                                                          
if (Close[0]>koop+20*pips)
if( OrderClose(1968,0.01,Ask,3,Blue));
{if (Close[0]<=koop)
return (false);
if (OrdersTotal()==0)

Do some reading first and you'll be laughing at the code you submitted .



Hello again

I have solved my problem. I have also put a trailer stop in it. And changed some little things

i have my code running on several charts.

I just had to change the magicnumber.

When you load the ea then set your spread to the spread of your symbol and chose an magicnumber.

Only buy the stock with a value between 15 and 35.

Your highest lost will be about 500 euro (when the company goes broke) and you wil make a profit of 1% a month.

Well it's not a great ea but it's working.

I am just new at trading and programming so i will welcom any comment.

double pips;
 extern static double koop = 30;			
 extern double maxprice = 30;
 extern double magicnumber = 1903;
 extern double spread = 10;
//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init()
   double ticksize = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKSIZE);
   if(ticksize ==0.0001||ticksize ==0.001)
   pips = ticksize * 10;
   else pips = ticksize;
//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()

//| expert start function                                            |
int start()
      static double koop = 10000000;
  { double a = iMA(NULL,1,5,0,0,0,1);
   double b = Close[0];
   if (b<a)
   if (Close[0]<koop)
 if (Close[0] >= koop)
 return (false);
 else if(OrdersTotal()<=10000000)
  { if(b<a)
   if (Close[0]>koop+20*pips)
   if (Close[0]<=koop)
   return (false);
   if (OrdersTotal()==0)
void AdjustTrail()
for(int b = OrdersTotal()-1;b >= 0;b--)
if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol())
if( koop<OrderTakeProfit())
koop = Close[0]-10*Point;


double pips;
 extern static double buylevel = 30;                   // Close must be under buylevel before place a buy
 extern double maxprice = 30;                      // The price must be below maxprice 
 extern double lowprice = 10;                      // The price must be above lowprice
 extern double magicnumber = 1903;                 // each chart must have a different magicnumber
//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init()
   double ticksize = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKSIZE);       // By using pips the ea can be used on different brookers (3 or 5 digits)
   if(ticksize ==0.0001||ticksize ==0.001)
   pips = ticksize * 10;
   else pips = ticksize;
//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()

//| expert start function                                            |
int start()
AdjustTrail();                                                                // Check if the trailer stop can be used
      static double buylevel = 10000000;                                      // Start with a random number to get 1 buy order
      if(OrdersTotal()<=10000000)                                             // make sure you can always place a buy order
  { double a = iMA(NULL,1,5,0,0,0,1);                                         // making use of the moving average
   double b = Close[0];                                                       // b = Close
   if (b<a)                                                                   // if close is smaller than moving average
   if (Close[0]<buylevel)                                                     // if close is smaller than buylevel 
   if (Close[0]>lowprice)                                                     // if close is greater than the lowprice (this way you can stop buying at the lowprice)                   
 {OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,0.01,Ask,3,0,0,NULL,magicnumber,0,Green);         // this will place the buyorder
 if (Close[0] >= buylevel)                                                    // if close is greater then buylevel
 return (false);                                                              // do nothing
 buylevel=Close[0]-10*pips;                                                   // and else buylevel is the price of close - 10 points
 return(true);                                                                // change buylevel in new price 
 else if(OrdersTotal()<=10000000)                                             // else start with a random number
  { if(b<a)                                                                   // if close is smaller than moving average
   if (Close[0]>buylevel+20*pips)                                             // if close is greater then buylevel + 20 points
    if (Close[0]>lowprice)                                                    // if close is greater than the lowprice (this way you can stop buying at the lowprice)                                                               
   {OrderClose(magicnumber,0.01,Ask,3,Blue);                                  // if true then sell buyorder
   if (Close[0]<=buylevel)                                                    // if close smaller or equaal to buylevel
   return (false);                                                            // do nothing
   buylevel=Close[0]-10*pips;                                                 // else buylevel is the price of close - 10 points
   return(true);                                                              // change buylevel in new price
   if (OrdersTotal()==0)                                                      // if there are no orders open 
   buylevel=maxprice;                                                         // then buylevel  is maxprice
   return(true);                                                              // change buylevel in maxprice
void AdjustTrail()                                                            // the code for a trailerstop
for(int b = OrdersTotal()-1;b >= 0;b--)                                       // starts a loop by the open orders
if(OrderSelect(b,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES))                                  // selects the open trades
if(OrderMagicNumber()==magicnumber)                                           // if magicnumber is magicnumber
if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol())                                                  // if symbol is symbol
if(OrderType()==OP_BUY)                                                       // if order is a buy order
if(Bid-OrderOpenPrice()>(30)*pips)                                            // if bidprice - orderopenprice is greater then 30 points(when there is a [profit)
if(OrderStopLoss()<Bid-pips*20)                                               // if the stoploss is smaller then bidprice - 20 points 
OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),Bid-(pips*20),OrderTakeProfit(),0,CLR_NONE);         // change trailer stop
if( buylevel<OrderTakeProfit())                                               // if buylevel is smaller then takeprofit
buylevel = Close[0]-10*pips;                                                  // buylevel is close - 10 points


Hello again

I have adjust mine pyramide code.

I have put in a lowprice so you can deside untill which level your robot wil trade.

This wil work fine for usa stock with 2 digits.

I have one question about the use of pips.

I have tried to use point instead and it seemes to work as well on mine account. To they work the same?

All comments are welcom

double pips;
 extern static double buylevel = 30;                   // Close must be under buylevel before place a buy
 extern double maxprice = 30;                      // The price must be below maxprice 
 extern double lowprice = 10;                      // The price must be above lowprice
 extern double magicnumber = 1903;                 // each chart must have a different magicnumber
//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init()
   double ticksize = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKSIZE);       // By using pips the ea can be used on different brookers (3 or 5 digits)
   if(ticksize ==0.0001||ticksize ==0.001)
   pips = ticksize * 10;
   else pips = ticksize;
//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()

//| expert start function                                            |
int start()
AdjustTrail();                                                                // Check if the trailer stop can be used
      static double buylevel = 10000000;                                      // Start with a random number to get 1 buy order
      if(OrdersTotal()<=10000000)                                             // make sure you can always place a buy order
  { double a = iMA(NULL,1,5,0,0,0,1);                                         // making use of the moving average
   double b = Close[0];                                                       // b = Close
   if (b<a)                                                                   // if close is smaller than moving average
   if (Close[0]<buylevel)                                                     // if close is smaller than buylevel 
   if (Close[0]>lowprice)                                                     // if close is greater than the lowprice (this way you can stop buying at the lowprice)                   
 {OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,0.01,Ask,3,0,0,NULL,magicnumber,0,Green);         // this will place the buyorder
 if (Close[0] >= buylevel)                                                    // if close is greater then buylevel
 return (false);                                                              // do nothing
 buylevel=Close[0]-10*pips;                                                   // and else buylevel is the price of close - 10 points
 return(true);                                                                // change buylevel in new price 
 else if(OrdersTotal()<=10000000)                                             // else start with a random number
  { if(b<a)                                                                   // if close is smaller than moving average
   if (Close[0]>buylevel+20*pips)                                             // if close is greater then buylevel + 20 points
    if (Close[0]>lowprice)                                                    // if close is greater than the lowprice (this way you can stop buying at the lowprice)                                                               
   {OrderClose(magicnumber,0.01,Ask,3,Blue);                                  // if true then sell buyorder
   if (Close[0]<=buylevel)                                                    // if close smaller or equaal to buylevel
   return (false);                                                            // do nothing
   buylevel=Close[0]-10*pips;                                                 // else buylevel is the price of close - 10 points
   return(true);                                                              // change buylevel in new price
   if (OrdersTotal()==0)                                                      // if there are no orders open 
   buylevel=maxprice;                                                         // then buylevel  is maxprice
   return(true);                                                              // change buylevel in maxprice
void AdjustTrail()                                                            // the code for a trailerstop
for(int b = OrdersTotal()-1;b >= 0;b--)                                       // starts a loop by the open orders
if(OrderSelect(b,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES))                                  // selects the open trades
if(OrderMagicNumber()==magicnumber)                                           // if magicnumber is magicnumber
if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol())                                                  // if symbol is symbol
if(OrderType()==OP_BUY)                                                       // if order is a buy order
if(Bid-OrderOpenPrice()>(30)*pips)                                            // if bidprice - orderopenprice is greater then 30 points(when there is a [profit)
if(OrderStopLoss()<Bid-pips*20)                                               // if the stoploss is smaller then bidprice - 20 points 
OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),Bid-(pips*20),OrderTakeProfit(),0,CLR_NONE);         // change trailer stop
if( buylevel<OrderTakeProfit())                                               // if buylevel is smaller then takeprofit
buylevel = Close[0]-10*pips;                                                  // buylevel is close - 10 points


hello again another update.

Try it first on your tester before using.

I would like to make a script or program code whitin this program that calculates your possible biggest lost.

Still trying to make it better any idees are welcome.

double pips;
 extern static double buylevel = 30;               // Close must be under buylevel before place a buy
 extern double maxprice = 30;                      // The price must be below maxprice 
 extern double lowprice = 10;                      // The price must be above lowprice
 extern double magicnumber = 1903;                 // each chart must have a different magicnumber
 extern double steplevel = 10;                     // every next buy after the first is close - steplevel
 extern double trailerpoints = 10;                 // this wil set your trailerpoints
 extern double timechart = 1;                      // here you can select your timechart
 extern double maperiod = 5;                       // you can select the period for your ma
//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init()
   double ticksize = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKSIZE);       // By using pips the ea can be used on different brookers (4 or 5 digits)
   if(ticksize ==0.0001||ticksize ==0.001)
   pips = ticksize * 10;
   else pips = ticksize;
//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()

//| expert start function                                            |
int start()
AdjustTrail();                                                                // Check if the trailer stop can be used
      static double buylevel = 10000000;                                      // Start with a random number to get 1 buy order
      if(OrdersTotal()<=10000000)                                             // make sure you can always place a buy order
  { double a = iMA(NULL,timechart,maperiod,0,0,0,1);                          // making use of the moving average
   double b = Close[0];                                                       // b = Close
   if (b<a)                                                                   // if close is smaller than moving average
   if (Close[0]<buylevel)                                                     // if close is smaller than buylevel 
   if (Close[0]>lowprice)                                                     // if close is greater than the lowprice (this way you can stop buying at the lowprice)                   
 {OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,0.01,Ask,3,0,0,NULL,magicnumber,0,Green);         // this will place the buyorder
 if (Close[0] >= buylevel)                                                    // if close is greater then buylevel
 return (false);                                                              // do nothing
 buylevel=Close[0]-steplevel*pips;                                            // and else buylevel is the price of close - 10 points
 return(true);                                                                // change buylevel in new price 
 else if(OrdersTotal()<=10000000)                                             // else start with a random number
  { if(b<a)                                                                   // if close is smaller than moving average
   if (Close[0]>buylevel+trailerpoints*pips)                                  // if close is greater then buylevel + 20 points
    if (Close[0]>lowprice)                                                    // if close is greater than the lowprice (this way you can stop buying at the lowprice)                                                               
   {OrderClose(magicnumber,0.01,Ask,3,Blue);                                  // if true then sell buyorder
   if (Close[0]<=buylevel)                                                    // if close smaller or equaal to buylevel
   return (false);                                                            // do nothing
   buylevel=Close[0]-steplevel*pips;                                          // else buylevel is the price of close - 10 points
   return(true);                                                              // change buylevel in new price
   if (OrdersTotal()==0)                                                      // if there are no orders open 
   buylevel=maxprice;                                                         // then buylevel  is maxprice
   return(true);                                                              // change buylevel in maxprice
void AdjustTrail()                                                            // the code for a trailerstop
for(int b = OrdersTotal()-1;b >= 0;b--)                                       // starts a loop by the open orders
if(OrderSelect(b,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES))                                  // selects the open trades
if(OrderMagicNumber()==magicnumber)                                           // if magicnumber is magicnumber
if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol())                                                  // if symbol is symbol
if(OrderType()==OP_BUY)                                                       // if order is a buy order
if(Bid-OrderOpenPrice()>(steplevel+trailerpoints)*pips)                       // if bidprice - orderopenprice is greater then steplevel+trailerpoint(when there is a [profit)
if(OrderStopLoss()<Bid-pips*trailerpoints)                                    // if the stoploss is smaller then bidprice - trailerpoint 
OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),Bid-(pips*trailerpoints),OrderTakeProfit(),0,CLR_NONE);         // change trailer stop
if( buylevel<OrderTakeProfit())                                               // if buylevel is smaller then takeprofit
buylevel = Close[0]-steplevel*pips;                                           // buylevel is close - 10 points



The ea works just fine but i have got stilll one problem that i can't figure out.

When i start up the program again the ea that are on the charts all buy one order and after that it just works fine.

I don't want the computer on or on sleepstand all the time.

So if some one can help me out that would be nice.
