Can not get my orderclose() to initiate print.


My code was working perfectly well before, and I was simply backtesting it against duckascopy data.

if(Orderclose(...){Print(..);..;..;ect;} is what I would use in the past however, this is no longer working, and I cannot figure out why.


i tried to read your code and I got stuck somewhere half way

why do you think anyone can guess what your problem is, if you dont provide more details about your problem


i tried to read your code and I got stuck somewhere half way

why do you think anyone can guess what your problem is, if you dont provide more details on your problem

It's a simple if(Orderclose(..)){..} line, the order closes correctly, and all my semi colons are where they are meant to be, there is nothing elaborate about the code in question, I just thought it may be an update thing that has changed the coding protocol.


here is nothing elaborate about the code in question,

of course there is

the code get compiled ?

what error do you get ?


of course there is

the code get compiled ?

what error do you get ?

Non errors whatsoever. Nothing from the debugger either.


You want help? Show us your code. No code no help. Simple.


No errors whatsoever. Nothing from the debugger either.

Where are you looking for the print statement? in the tab or are you actually opening the log?
if you want help, show the relevant code and someone will try to help you
sometimes a fresh pair of eyes can highlight a thing or 2 that you missed

I've found that the issue lay somewhere else in the code and that what I thought was an error was not an error at all; the new area of concern is more elaborate and investigation has unearthed a more serious error, I will try and see if I can find what is causing this newly discovered error to arise.

My reason for not showing he code earlier was due to the simplicity of it; I simply could not imagine an issue with the syntax in that region of the mql document, and thought that showing it would only waste the time of the people trying to help as no error would have been found there.

I have solved the issue.
I have solved the issue.

Do you know we have a black list for people who post such reply without explaining what the solution is.

By the way, as you problem is not understandable, it's probably not a big deal.